Lengths and Perimeters
Composite Area
The number of cm in 5.67 km.
What is 567,000 cm?
Given the radius of 30 m, find the exact and approximate circumference to the nearest tenth.
What is 60 pi m and 188.4 m?
The area of the shape drawn on the board to the nearest tenth of a square cm.
What is 127.6 square cm?
TRIPLE JEOPARDY. The area of the shaded region of the shape drawn on the board to the nearest hundredth of a square meter.
What is 12.56 square meters?
Half of the diameter.
What is radius?
A farmer decides to fence a 400 m by 350 m field with a 4-strand wire fence. This is the total length of wire required to fence the field.
What is 6000 m of wire?
Radio station KLUV broadcasts in all directions to a distance of 60 km. What is the area over which the station can be heard to the nearest km?
What is 11,304 square km?
The world's largest American flag measures 505 ft by 225 ft and weighs 3000 lbs. Each star is 17 ft. high. Find the area of the flag to the nearest square foot.
What is 113,625 feet squared?
The area of the shaded region of the shape drawn on the board to the nearest hundredth of a square centimeter.
What is 46 cm squared?
The base unit for length in the metric system.
What is the meter?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY. The perimeter of the shape drawn on the board.
What is 8x + 12 units?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY. A can contains 3 tennis balls, tightly packed. Each ball has a diameter of 2.5 cm. How much greater is the circumference of the can than the height of the can to the nearest hundredth?
What is 0.35 cm?
TRIPLE JEOPARDY. The area of the shape drawn on the board to the nearest square meter.
What is 5574 square meters?
The area of the shaded region of the shape drawn on the board to the nearest square meter.
What is 38 meters squared?
In a closed figure, this is the total length around its boundary.
What is the perimeter?
The perimeter of the shape drawn on the board.
What is 55 m?
Given the circumference of a circle is 78.5 cm, find the diameter, radius, and approximate area to the nearest tenth square cm.
What is diameter is 25 cm, radius is 12.5 cm, and area is 490.63 cm square?
The area of the shape drawn on the board to the nearest tenth of a square meter.
What is 33.1 square meters?
The area of the shaded region of the shape drawn on the board to the nearest square meter.
What is 55 square meters?
In a circle, this is the perimeter or length around its boundary.
What is the circumference?
TRIPLE JEOPARDY. Kim decides to get fit by running laps of a nearby shopping complex. See the board for the drawing. How many laps does she have to run if she wants to run 13 km in total? Pay attention to your units!!!
What is 5 laps?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY. A 12 cm diameter pizza is cut into 8 equal pieces. What is the area of each piece to the nearest tenth square cm?
What is 14.1 cm square?
The area of the shape drawn on the board to the nearest tenth of a square meter.
What is 36 square meters?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY. The area of the shaded region of the shape drawn on the board to the nearest hundredth of a square meter.
What is 7.29 meters squared?
The amount of surface inside a two-dimensional shape.
What is the area?