1.Industrial revolution
2. Innovators
3. Trade and exchange (Globalization)
4-5. Daily lives of people and Health and Medicine
6. Art

This invention by James Watt in the late 18th century greatly improved the efficiency of steam engines and was pivotal to the Industrial Revolution.

What is the steam engine?


The introduction of the electric light bulb in 1879 by this inventor extended working hours and transformed daily life.

Who is Thomas Edison?


This ancient trade route facilitated not only commerce but also the exchange of ideas, technologies, and culture between the East and the West.

What is the Silk Road?


The invention of this device by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in the late 17th century allowed for the first observation of microorganisms, advancing the field of microbiology.

What is the microscope?


This 1960s movement, centered around music, protest, and counterculture, played a significant role in changing societal attitudes towards war, civil rights, and personal freedom.

What is the Hippie movement or the Counterculture movement?


The Factory Act of 1833 was an important piece of legislation that aimed to improve conditions for workers in factories, particularly this group

Who are children?


This industrialist's introduction of the assembly line significantly reduced the cost of production and made cars accessible to the general public

Who is Henry Ford?


This major sea route, often associated with European colonization, connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas, facilitating the trade of goods, slaves, and raw materials.

What is the Atlantic triangular trade route?


The invention of this medical technology by Edward Jenner and then by Lois Pasteur, has significantly increased life expectancy and reduced mortality rates.

What are vaccines? 


This 19th-century philosophical movement, emphasizing individual experience and emotion, was a reaction against the industrial revolution and rationalism.

What is Romanticism?


This began in 1868, marking the beginning of Japan's rapid industrialization.

Meiji Restoration


This role typically involves the initial breakthrough or discovery, often without immediate practical application or commercial success. Give example as well.

What is pioneer?


This 1839-1842 conflict between Britain and China over trade imbalances and the illegal opium trade exemplifies how interactions can lead to hostility.

What is the First Opium War?


This British welfare program, established after World War II, provides comprehensive health care to all residents of the United Kingdom.

What is the National Health Service (NHS)?


The horrors of World War I inspired this 20th-century art movement, which rejected traditional values and embraced chaos and irrationality.

What is Dadaism?


The establishment of these state-owned model factories in the late 19th century was crucial for Japan's industrial development

What are zaibatsu?  


She thought handwashing dishes was a pain. She also saw that her fine dishes were getting chipped when she handwashed them. So she designed a better way to clean dishes – the first widely used dishwasher!

Who is Josephine Cochran?


Lucky question: This economic phenomenon, characterized by the spread of businesses, technologies, and ideas across borders, has both proponents and critics regarding its impact on society.

What is globalization?


This 19th-century theory by Louis Pasteur proposed that microorganisms cause disease, leading to advancements in sterilization and vaccination.

What is the germ theory of disease?


This French artist, a leading figure of Realism, is known for his works such as "The Stone Breakers" and "A Burial at Ornans."

Who is Gustave Courbet?


This government policy during the Meiji era encouraged the adoption of Western technology and industrial practices.

What is Fukoku Kyohei (Enrich the Country, Strengthen the Military)?


President Thomas Jefferson commissioned this expedition, shortly after the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, to explore and detail as much of the new territory as possible. Furthermore, he wished to find a practical travel route across the western half of the continent—directly avoiding the hot and desolate desert southwest—and to establish an American presence in the new lands before European powers attempted to establish claims of their own.

Lewis and Clark Expedition


Estimates of the total number of black slaves moved from sub-Saharan Africa to this part of the world range from 6-10 million, and the trans-Saharan trade routes conveyed a significant number of this total, with one estimate tallying around 7.2 million slaves crossing the Sahara from the mid-7th century until the 20th century when it was abolished.

What is Arab Slave trade?


This ancient Greek physician established the doctor's Oath, a code of ethics still referenced in modern medical practice and proposed the idea that health was maintained by balancing these four bodily fluids: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile.

Who is Hippocrates?


Realism's emphasis on depicting reality and social issues as well as leaders laid the groundwork for this later 20th-century artistic and literary movement, which also focused on ordinary life and often had a critical edge.

What is Social Realism?