
This protein contains phosphorus which helps with the growth, maintenance, and repair of your tissues and cells. This protein also comes from an animal found on a farm.

What is beef/steak


This grain is good for your digestion because it contains fiber.

What are oats


This vegetable is high in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A for healthy vision and immune function.

What is a carrot


This fruit is high in vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system and promotes healthy skin and gums.

What is an orange 


This food is made from milk and is good for your bones because it also contains protein. This food is also a mouse's favorite snack.

What is cheese


This protein improves muscle health and satisfies your hunger. This protein also comes from a chicken.

What is an egg


This grain contains complex carbohydrates that are good for keeping you energized. This grain comes in different forms and expands when cooked and is also great for making sushi!

What is rice


This vegetable is high in vitamin C and can be used in salads, fajitas, grain bowls, and for dipping into hummus.

What is a bell pepper


This fruit is a good source of potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and maintain proper muscle function.

What is a banana


This product is high in calcium, which is essential for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth.

What is milk


This protein is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which support heart health and brain function. This protein also is the name for a shade of pink.

What is salmon


This whole grain is a good source of fiber which helps keep your digestive system healthy and provides energy. This grain is also used to wrap up other foods.

What is a tortilla


This leafy green vegetable is rich in folate, fiber, iron, and vitamin K. It is also a great add-in for smoothies.

What is spinach 


This fruit is full of antioxidants that help your brain work better.

What is a blueberry


This dairy product contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that support gut health and digestion.

What is yogurt


This protein comes from plants and is often used to make hummus.

What are chickpeas/garbanzo beans


This grain is often used in Mexican cuisine and is a good source of protein and fiber.

What is corn


This green vegetable helps lower cholesterol, maintain blood pressure, and promote heart health. This vegetable is often used in stir fry. 

What is broccoli


This fruit has a 96% water content and can be used as a topping in salads, lettuce wraps, or sushi.

what is a cucumber


This food is high in protein and an excellent source of calcium. This food can be eaten with fruit, vegetables, or crackers. This food also has a lumpy texture.

What is cottage cheese


This protein source comes from soybeans and is commonly used as a meat substitute for vegetarians and vegans.

What is tofu


This grain is used to make bread, pasta, and cereals.

What is wheat

This starchy vegetable is a good source of potassium and also can be referred to as a "spud".

What is a potato


This fruit contains lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant. This fruit is commonly mistaken as a vegetable

What is a tomato


This food is made by fermenting milk with specific types of bacteria, leading to a creamy texture and tangy flavor. 

What is yogurt