Pass the Test
What's the Word
Going through a Phase
Safety First
States of Matter
This test will interact with a base by bubbling and fizzing.
What is the Acid Test?
This has mass and takes up space.
What is matter?
This is when you apply energy to change matter from a liquid to a gas.
What is evaporation?
When working with matches, you should always _____________ your hair.
What is tie back, or put in a pony tail?
I am a state of matter. I have closely packed atoms, and have a definite shape and mass. What am I?
What is a solid?
You can make these by looking closely at your sample, and using property words that describe size, shape, color, mass, and texture.
What are observations?
This means it will dissolve in water.
What is soluble?
This type of matter does not have a definite shape but has a definite mass. Its atoms are loosely packed together, so it flows easily.
What is a liquid?
When working with chemicals, you should always wear your ________________.
What is goggles?
I am NOT matter. You can find me in light, sound, and heat. What am I?
What is energy?
This test will turn yellow when it interacts with an acid.
What is the BTB test?
When something does not dissolve in water, it is called this.
What is insoluble?
This is when you apply energy to change matter from a solid to a liquid.
What is melting?
You should always listen to your ___________________.
Who is the teacher?
I am a phase of matter. I float freely all around. I have no definite shape or mass. What am I?
What is a gas?
This test applies energy to a material, making it burn, change phases, or have no reaction.
What is the heat test?
This type of matter has a definite shape and mass.
What is a solid?
This phase of matter has no definite shape or mass. Its atoms float freely.
What is a gas?
When you strike a match, you should always strike it ____________________________________.
What is away from you and your partner?
I am a phase of matter. I will take the shape of whatever container I am in. My atoms are loosely packed to allow me to flow from one space to another. What am I?
What is a liquid?
This test shows that samples contain starch by turning blue/black or purple.
What is the Iodine test?
This is the measure of how much matter is in an object.
What is mass?
This means to remove energy to change matter from a gas to a liquid.
What is condensation?
If there is an accident, you should always ______________.
What is tell the teacher?
I am all around you. You see me in the objects around you. I am a solid, a liquid, or a gas. I have mass and take up space. What am I?
What is matter?