Pharmaceutical Drugs
Racism and Sexism in Medicine
Popular Myths

This type of weather does not directly or automatically make you ill. 

What is cold weather? 


Even though this is put on all medications, the medication is still effective for a while after. 

What is an expiration date? 


A persons race or gender can affect this.

What are health outcomes? 


Many people believe that one of the side effects of taking vaccines is ____. 

What is getting sick? 


Contrary to popular belief this bright orange vegetable does not improve your eyesight. 

What is a carrot? 


This popular substance has no evidence of affecting a child's growth.

What is caffeine? 


Many people believe that this can cure any and all illnesses you may have.

What are antibiotics? 


There have been many cases in which this has prevented a group of people from getting the quality healthcare the need. 

What is race and ethnicity? 


During the pandemic many people believed that getting the vaccine meant this was transferred to your body so the government could track you. 

What is a microchip? 


As a young child you were probably told that cracking this joint can cause arthritis. 

What are your knuckles? 


Falsely advertised as healthy, these are just as bad as your average potato chip. 

What are vegetable chips?


Many people believe that it is fine to stop taking this once you are feeling better.

What are medications?


This term can be used describe how the gender gap is still present in the medical system and how historically, female patients were often left out of medical studies.

What is mysogyny?


Contrary to popular belief getting vaccinated does not lead to developing this neurological and developmental disorder.

What is autism?


This should be applied to your skin when you're outside, even when it's cloudy.  

What is sunblock? 


This calculation is often used by doctors and insurance companies, but it is very inaccurate and has no scientific basis.

What is the BMI? 


Contrary to popular belief it is never a good idea to share this with friends or family, even if diagnosed with the same condition.

What are prescription drugs? 


Many health professionals believe that this is something black americans have a high tolerance for or exaggerate when vistitng the doctors. 

What is pain? 


Many people believe that having this is healthier and more effective than acquiring it from a vaccine. 

What is natural immunity? 


This sweet treat is often unfairly blamed as the cause for acne.

What is chocolate?


Despite popular belief these household things do not help after you get a burn.

What are butter and ice?


Despite what many people believe, doubling this after missing one day can have very serious side effects. 

What is a dose? 


For many women, their health is not taken seriously because they have been told that they are ____. 

What is complaining? 


Many people believe that this age group has a weaker immune system that cant handle several vaccines at once. 

What are infants? 


Despite popular belief these two things do not continue to grow after you die. 

What are fingernails and hair?