Theory, theory, theory
More theory
Mythological places
Greek speak
Ages of humanity
The view that myths are a product of the environment
What are Externalist Theories?
A psychological theory that posits a link between the human psyche and the creation of myth, particularly the function of the unconscious in determining human behaviour and beliefs.
What is Freudian theory?
The home of the dead.
What is Hades?
The sun and the moon.
What are Helios and Selene?
The age regarded as a paradis that men inhabited before women were created.
What is the Age of Gold?
The view that myths are a product of the mind.
What are Internalist Theories?
A theory that not only certain behaviors, but certain situations and actions, such as journeys, encounters with monsters, struggles with unseen assailants--were universal in both dreams and myths.
What is Jung's archetypal theory?
the prison for fallen Titans and the souls of notorious sinners.
What is Tartarus?
The yawning chasm, abyss or gaping void that Hesiod regarded as the original mate of Gaea.
What is chaos/Chaos?
Age chareacterized by extreme opposites; people tak a full hundred years to mature but only live a short time afterward.
What is the Age of Silver?
First comprehensive myth theory which holds that myth is essentially a reaction to the power of physical nature.
What is a nature myth?
A theory that views myth through the lens of the mind's binary organization.
What is structuralism?
The clouds above the vault of heaven, where the gods supposedly lived.
What is Olympus?
An account of the universe's physical origin and organization.
What is cosmogony?
Aggressive age with men created by Zeus alone, purportedly from ash trees.
What is the Age of Bronze?
A theory that associates myth with religious or quasi religious ceremonies that were characterized by a presribed series of actions and accompanied by the repitition of traditional phrases.
What is ritual theory?
A theory that examines the narrative structure of myths and the focalization, or point of view, of the narrative.
What is narratology?
THe watery waste that surrounds the physical earth.
What is the River of Ocean?
A statement about the universe's nature and purpose.
What is cosmology?
Age of great mortal achievement, celebrated in Homeric Epics.
What is Age of Heroes?
A theory that myths are narratives that supply the rationale for some ritual or custom, such as initiation rites, and function to maintain stability and communal order.
What is charter theory?
A theoretical school that has focused on re-emphasizing components of myth that have been previously neglected.
What is feminist theory?
Conception of the earth as a massive disk surrounded by a watery waste, with the physical heavens overhead like an inverted bowl, the gods in the clouds above, and the dead in a subterranean cavern below.
What is the Three-Story Universe?
Literally, "Birth of the Gods."
What is The Theogony?
Final age of man, where culture has degenerated and morals expect Zeus to end the world.
What is the Age of Iron?