Supreme ruler of the gods, a "ladies man", thunderbolts are his main weapon.
Who is Zeus?
The first stage of the hero's journey where the hero leaves his comfortable and familiar world and ventures into the darkness of the unknown.
What is the Departure stage?
Theseus defeats this creature with his bare hands, thus preventing the sacrifice of 14 youths and maidens of Crete.
What is the Minotaur?
Ariadne gave Theseus this talisman to help him find his way out of the Labyrinth.
What is a ball of thread?
"You pitiable wretch! Trying to make me betray my father. I feel polluted by merely hearing such words. Oh, women, vile women-every one of them vile. I will never enter this house again except when my father is in it."
Who is Hippolytus?
God of the sea, wields a trident, also known as Neptune
Who is Poseidon?
The middle stage of the Hero's Journey where the hero is subjected to a series of tests in which he/she must prove their character.
What is the Initiation stage?
The reason why Hercules murders his family.
What is that Hera put a "madness" spell on him because she was jealous of Zeus' affair which produced Hercules.
Gorgon who could turn men to stone with her stare.
Who is Medusa?
"And I myself am the murderer of my dearest. I will avenge upon myself these deaths."
Who is Hercules?
Goddess of love and beauty, wife of Hephaestus, also known as Venus.
Who is Aphrodite?
The final stage of the Hero's Journey where the hero comes back home and brings something back from his quest for the benefit of his people.
What is the Return stage?
It is what makes Theseus' dad King Aegeus kill himself.
What is that he believes his son to be dead because his son forgot to raise the correct sail after his fight with the Minotaur.
Messenger god with winged feet, also god of science and invention.
Who is Hermes(Mercury)?
"Dead she proves her truth. Go. You are banished from the land."
Who is Theseus?
God of war, also know as Mars
Who is Ares?
The name for the point in the story where the hero faces his deepest fear or darkest evil in the story.
What is "Entering the Belly of the Whale"?
Name 4 items that Hermes, Athena and the maidens gave Perseus to help him on his quest to defeat Medusa.
What are: (possible answers)
1) a sword which could not be bent or broken by Gorgon scales
2) a shield of polished bronze which Perseus could see Medusa's reflection
3) winged sandals
4) a magic wallet which became the right size for whatever was to be carried in it
5) A cap that made him invisible
According to Greek Myth, it is why we have the seasons.
The myth of the Abduction of Persephone by Hades explained the seasons. To the ancient Greeks, spring and summer signified the six months when Persephone returned from the Underworld, and her mother Demeter made the earth bloom and grow bountiful after her absence. When Persephone left the company of the gods and returned to the Underworld, Demeter’s loss was expressed in the barrenness of autumn and winter.
The myth begins with Hades’ desire to possess Persephone and make her his wife, knowing that Persephone’s mother Demeter would never agree to the union. While Persephone was gathering flowers in a meadow Hades burst from the Underworld on his black chariot and abducted her. Demeter searched in vain for her daughter until Hecate told Demeter that Persephone had been carried away, but she did not know by whom. The two goddesses went to Apollo, the god of the sun, who saw everything that happened on Earth. Apollo told Demeter what had happened, but also tried to persuade Demeter that Hades, as Zeus's brother and ruler of one third of the universe, was not an unfit husband for Persephone.
Demeter refused to accept Hades as a suitable spouse for her precious daughter. Enraged by the news of Persephone's abduction (and Zeus's possible complicity), she refused to return to Mount Olympus. Instead she roamed the earth in the guise of a mortal, forbidding the trees to bear fruit and the earth to nurture vegetables and herbs.
Demeter threatened to make the earth barren forever and thus destroy all of humankind if she did not get Persephone back. Zeus realizing that if he allowed Demeter to persist, all of humankind would starve sent Hermes the messenger god, to demand that Persephone be returned to her mother. Hades agreed to let her go. But before she left, Hades urged Persephone to assuage her terrible hunger, she had not eaten a single thing since her arrival in the Underworld, by eating four pomegranate seeds. Sadly, this apparent act of kindness was a ruse, as anyone who tasted the food of Hades was condemned to remain in the Underworld forever.
A compromise was struck in which Persephone would return to Hades for four months of the year and the rest of the year above ground with Demeter.
Demeter reluctantly agreed to the deal, restored Earth's fertility and returned to Olympus with Persephone. But when the time came for Persephone to return to the Underworld, the earth became colder and less fertile until her re-emergence months later.
"If you eat the fruit of the Underworld, you are bound to it."
Who is Hermes?
Goddess of the Earth, crops and harvest. Mother of Persephone.
Who is Demeter?
The name for the particular item in the story that has special significance to the hero.
What is a talisman?
Name 6 of the 12 labors of Hercules
What are:
(1) the slaying of the Nemean lion, whose skin he thereafter wore; (2) the slaying of the nine-headed Hydra of Lerna; (3) the capture of the elusive hind (or stag) of Arcadia; (4) the capture of the wild boar of Mount Erymanthus; (5) the cleansing, in a single day, of the cattle stables of King Augeas of Elis; (6) the shooting of the monstrous man-eating birds of the Stymphalian marshes; (7) the capture of the mad bull that terrorized the island of Crete; (8) the capture of the man-eating mares of King Diomedes of the Bistones; (9) the taking of the girdle of Hippolyte, queen of the Amazons; (10) the seizing of the cattle of the three-bodied giant Geryon, who ruled the island Erytheia (meaning red) in the far west; (11) the bringing back of the golden apples kept at the world’s end by the Hesperides; and (12) the fetching up from the underworld of the triple-headed dog Cerberus, guardian of its gates.
1)After fearing one his children might overthrow him, Cronos does this to each of his children (except Zeus) after they are born.
2) It is how Zeus avoids the fate of his siblings and is able to free them as well.
1) What is swallow them?
2) What is Rhea give Cronus a rock wrapped in a blanket. Then, Rhea gives Cronus a drink to vomit up the other kids?
"I will submit to any penalty you impose. You be the judge".
Who is Pirithous?