Who was the boastful queen placed upside down in the Heavens?
What refers to the 12 signs that rule each of the 30 degrees that make up the 360-degree “wheel of the sky”?
Why did Astrology lose its scientific validity?
due to the wide-scale adoption of the scientific method
How many are the recorded number of constellations seen in the night sky?
Why did Zeus turn Ganymede into a constellation?
to escape the wrath of his wife, Hera
People born in this particular Zodiac sign are said to be hardworking, ambitious and pragmatic.
this branch of Astrology is used for a range of different ways of looking at the future and also finding meaning in the past.
How many stars is Ursa Minor composed of?
Who hunted the she-bear Callisto?
What Zodiac sign did the cup-bearer Ganymede become?
Branch of Astrology that describes a relationship between 2 people.
True or False: A constellation is a group of planets that forms a pattern in the sky, normally made up of five to twenty planets.
False: A constellation is a group of stars that forms a pattern in the sky, normally made up of five to twenty stars.
What constellation did Callisto become?
Ursa Major
This Zodiac sign represents 2 different personalities
True or False: Astrology also believed that the positioning of the stars and planets affects the way events occur on earth.
What is a Scientific field that investigates the patterns and behavior of celestial objects in the universe?
What is the name of the monster Poseidon unleashed in Cassiopeia's kingdom?
What does zōdiakos kyklos mean?
"circle of animals"
True or False: Astrology is a pseudo-science that interprets the positions and interrelations of asteroids and other comets and associates them with the orbits of other planets.
False: Astrology is a pseudo-science that interprets the positions and interrelations of stars and other celestial bodies and associates them with the lives of humans.
What year was it possible to assign any star to a constellation?