Let's talk history
I critically think; therefore, I am!
What's for dinner?

The use of this type of question allows the patient to elaborate on a concern or issue.

What is an open-ended question?


During this phase of the nursing process, the nurse and patient select goals in order to alleviate, decrease, or prevent the problems addressed in the nursing analysis.

What is planning?


You have calculated that your patient's BMI is 30. You would classify this patient as being _______.

What is obese (BMI 30-39.9)?


This type of assessment is used when a known patient has a new problem or symptom.

What is a focused assessment?


This part of the nursing process is continuous in determining if the goals have been attained.

What is evaluation?


You observe a goiter on your patient and recognize that it may be due to a deficiency of this mineral.

What is iodine?


Blood pressure, pulse, weight, and height are all examples of this type of data.

What is objective data?


The plan of care should be individualized and ________ centered.

What is patient?


Knowing it's relationship to blood clotting, you would suspect this deficiency in your patient with generalized ecchymosis.

What is Vitamin K?


This visual record that allows the provider to quickly identify disease patterns in the family. 

What is a genogram?


This type of thinking evolves and is the result of a combination of knowledge, experience, and orientation for thinking on your feet.

What is critical thinking?


The use of this quick assessment tool assists in recognizing deficits or issues in dietary intake.

What is the 24-hour recall?


Using this mnemonic helps the novice history taker gather all the symptom attributes of the chief complaint.

What is OLDCART(S)?


Sifting through this type of data can be a challenge due to vague or conflicting details.

What is subjective data?


This is the term referring to an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity - may be related to liver disease or a protein deficiency.

What is ascites?