Perfusion/Gas Exchange
Mobility/Tissue Integrity

The first action a nurse should take upon assessing a client to ensure client safety

What are two patient identifiers? Ask client's name and date of birth

The medical term for low levels of oxygen in the blood

What is hypoxemia


How to educate a female client to wipe to prevent a UTI

What is wipe front to back?


The type of tissue in a wound that is black/brown in color and is no longer viable

What is eschar?

A lab value to assess that may indicate infection

What is WBC? 

(White blood cell count, also neutrophils)


6 rights of medication administration

What is... Patient, Drug, Dose, Route, Time, Documentation


Normal ranges for adult vital signs: HR, BP, RR, O2 sat

HR: 60-100 bpm

BP: 90/60 - 120/80 mmHg

RR: 12-20/min

O2 sat: 95% or greater


A nutrient that is necessary for wound healing

What is protein?


A scale that is used to assess risk of pressure injury

What is the Braden Scale?

A type of wound drainage that is white or colored and may be malodorous

What is purulent?


Education for a client who is at a fall risk and who voids frequently at night

Ensure good lighting when walking to the bathroom

Use the call light to call for assistance

Also... use non-skid footwear, ensure mobility assistive devices are nearby, use a urinal or other device


The most common modifiable risk factor of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

What is smoking?


A nursing intervention to prevent infection of an indwelling urinary catheter

What are catheter cares?

perform regularly, typically every 8 hours


3 bony prominences that are at risk for developing pressure sores on a client in a right side lying position

1. Between the knees

2. Right hip

3. Right shoulder, elbow, ankle


When to administer an antibiotic for a client who has a newly diagnosed wound infection and has a wound culture due to be collected.

What is administer the antibiotic after the wound specimen is collected?


A nursing intervention to ensure clear communication to a client who is deaf in their right ear

What is talk into the client's left ear? Stand on left side. 


The type of breaths that a client would have when dying

What are cheyne-stokes respirations?


2 priority nursing interventions for a client who, upon assessment, has Lispro insulin due to be given with breakfast and who has a blood sugar of 55.

1. ASSESS level of consciousness, symptoms of hypoglycemia

2. Hold insulin

3. Give client juice and recheck BS in 15 minutes


A priority nursing intervention to relieve pressure from bony prominences to avoid pressure sores

What is reposition the client?


Treatment for inflammatory bowel disease

Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics

Control symptoms - antidiarrheals, pain relievers, vitamins and dietary supplements, rest

Avoid aggravating factors: smoking, stress


A priority nursing intervention when a client is found on the floor and appears to have fallen

What is assess patient's consciousness and/or vital signs. Also assess for noticeable injury. 

Do not move the patient. Notify provider. Call for assistance to lift patient. Document appropriately.


What to do when, upon assessment, an extremity has non-palpable pulses, is blue/purple, and is cool to the touch?

What is notify the provider immediately


Priority interventions for when a nurse is inserting an NG tube and the client vomits

Remove NG tube, assess for aspiration, offer antiemetic, attempt to reinsert NG tube


3 mobility concerns for a client who has a history of a right sided stroke with hemiparesis

Assist of 2 with transfers and gait belt

Elevate limp limbs on pillows

Implement fall risk precautions


Three clinical manifestations that a client would present with who has sepsis

What is tachycardia, tachypnea, fever, elevated WBC