which therapy can be operationally defined?
What is behaviour therapy
What does the ABCDE model stand for?
Activating event, triggers a belief, which results in a consequence
D is disrupting the beliefs and E is effect
What does WDEP stand for?
W – What do you want?
D – What are you doing?
E – Is it working (evaluation)?
P – What do you see as your choices now (plan)?
What are the three therapeutic techniques used?
Mi Rule
SFBT & NT questioning
SFBT Miracle question
Making a judgement in advance of due examination
What is Prejudice
What are the two feedback models? Bonus 100 if you know what does each stand for?
Boost: balanced, objective, observed, specific and timely
RISE: Reflect, Inquire, Suggest Elevate
What three therapeutic techniques fall into CBT?
Role Playing
Shame attacking
What are the 5 concepts in the IVEY Framework?
Empathetic Relationship : Initiate the interview, building rapport, and structuring
Story and Strengths :Gather data, draw out story, concerns, problems, issues
Re-Story :Explore alternatives, confront incongruences and conflict
Action Plan :Generalizing new learning and facilitating client action in daily life.
What are the three key therapist attributes in PCT?
Unconditional positive regard
Accurate Empathetic understanding
The tendency to regard one's own ethnic group, nation, religion or culture as better or more correct than others
What is Ethnocentrism
Coping questions, sealing questions and solution-focused are all types of questioning used in which therpy?
What are the three therapeutic techniques used in BT?
Relaxation, Self-management, mindfulness
What are the three key conceps of psychotherapy?
Conscious and Unconscious
Id, Ego, and Superego
defense mechanisms
The 4 principles of this are based on Expressing empathy, developing discrepancy, rolling with resistance and supporting self-efficacy
MI a client centered counselling technique to help change behaviour
What is considered the "devil on your shoulder" "angel on your shoulder" and develops with age to keep you in check
ID, Ego Superego
What is Helen Reiss' EMPATHY tool?
Eye contact, muscles of facial expression, posture, affect, tone of violence, hearing, your response
What are the 4 self-management strategies?
goal setting
What 4 therapeutic techniques are used in psycho therapy? bonus 100 for knowing which one students are NOT allowed to do
1. Free Association
2. Interpretation
3. Dream Analysis
Students are NOT equipped to analyze client dreams. This requires expert knowledge
4. Education about Defense Mechanisms
What is RULE?
Resist the urge to fix the patient, understand the patient's motivations, listen with empathy, empower the patient
The concept that Clients are encouraged to attract attention to themselves (wear funny hate, sing out loud) while practicing positive self-talk, reminding themselves that what others think doesn’t matter.
What is Shame attacking
What are the 5 components in the Inner Development Goals Framework?
Being-relationship to self
Thinking-cognitive skills
relating-caring for others and the world, collaborating-social skills
Acting-enabling change
Rather than just acknowledging that the person is feeling a certain way, show them that you have felt/are feeling what they are feeling (listen actively and put yourself in their shoes)
What is Empathy?
What are all 7 deadly and 7 caring habits?
7 Deadly
Bribing or rewarding to control
7 Caring
Negotiating differences
What are 5 therapeutic techniques used in PCT?
Therapeutic Techniques
1. Set Clear Boundaries
2. The Client Knows Best
3. Be a Sounding Board
4. Concentrate on What the Client is Saying
5. Be Genuine
What therapeutic communication skill is:
Listen carefully and empathetically with undistracted attentiveness
Maintain comfortable eye contact, open body posture; respond mentally, verbally, and non-verbally (SOLER)
Active Listening