Road Runner Respiratory
Killer Cardiac
F & E
In My Endocrine Era
GI, GU, Who Knew?

Which nursing action is most important to ensure proper tube placement when caring for a patient with an endotracheal tube?

Auscultating the lungs for bilateral breath sounds

Monitoring blood gas values every 72 hours

Providing oral hygiene daily

Turning the patient every 2 hours from side to side

Auscultating the lungs for bilateral breath sounds


Prior to reaching the target heart rate, a patient undergoing an exercise stress test develops chest pain. Which should be the priority nursing action?

Administer analgesia and slow the test

Administer sublingual nitroglycerin to allow the patient to finish the test

Initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Stop the test and monitor the patient closely

Stop the test and monitor the patient closely


A patient diagnosed with shock is receiving fluid replacement therapy.  Which will the nurse monitor for?  Select all that apply.


Orientation status


Urinary output

Vital signs

orientation, urinary output, vital signs


Which assessment finding(s) should concern the nurse who is caring for a patient diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? Select all that apply.

Decreased appetite



Increased energy level

Poor wound healing

Fatigue and poor wound healing


Hyperactive bowel sounds in one quadrant and absent bowel sounds in other quadrants plus nausea and vomiting may indicate:
a. pancreatitis
b. cholecystitis
c. gastrointestinal bleeding
d. intestinal obstruction

intestinal obstruction


The nurse is assessing a patient diagnosed with COPD.  Which clinical manifestations will the nurse assess for? Select all that apply



Excessive energy

Increased appetite


Sputum production

Tripod positioning

dyspnea, cough, sputum production, tripod positioning


A patient with heart failure is exhibiting signs and symptoms of pulmonary edema. How should the nurse best position the patient?

Supine position

High Fowler’s position

Trendelenburg position

Left side-lying position

High Fowler's


Which assessment finding by the nurse most likely indicates that the patient is in the irreversible stage of shock?

A.  Anuria
B.  Blood pressure 102/52

C.  Cool, clammy skin
D.  Respiratory rate 10/minute



Which assessment finding by the nurse would indicate that the patient may be developing diabetic peripheral neuropathy?

Decreased capillary refill, pallor

Hypoglycemia, decreased level of consciousness

Increased thirst, polyuria

Numbness, pain in hands and feet

numbness, pain in hands and feet


The nurse hears in report that a patient is suspected of having ascites. WHich action is the nurse most likely to initiate for this specific condition?
a. Elevate the head of the bed 30-45 degrees
b. Assess for pain every 30-60 minutes
c. Perform serial measurements of abdominal girth
d. Slightly elevate legs and buttocks to help expel flatus

perform serial measurements of abdominal girth


The nurse is assessing a patient diagnosed with tuberculosis.  Which assessment finding supports this diagnosis?

Cough producing clear sputum


Productive cough with white sputum




The nurse is assessing a patient with right-sided heart failure. Which assessment finding is most consistent with right-sided heart failure?

Distended neck veins

Dry cough


Pulmonary edema

distended neck veins


Which complication should the nurse monitor for in the patient diagnosed with a calcium level of 18 mg/dL?

  • Chvostek’s sign
  • Spoon shaped nails
  • Tetany
  • Severe constipation

severe constipation


The nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Which assessment finding is of concern? 

Cold intolerance



Weight gain



A nurse is reviewing the laboratory data of a client who has an acute exacerbation of Crohn's disease. Which of the following lab results should the nurse expect to be elevated? Select all that apply.

A. Hematocrit

B. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate


D. Folic acid

E. Albumin

Sed rate and WBC


A patient presents to the emergency department with a suspected diagnosis of influenza.  Which clinical manifestation(s) will the nurse assess to support this diagnosis?  Select all that apply.






all of the above


A patient is recovering from mechanical valve replacement surgery for valvular disease. 

Which patient teaching should be the priority for this patient?

Antibiotic therapy for four to six weeks

Anticoagulant therapy for life

Episodic use of antiarrhythmic medications

Long-term use of diuretics

anticoagulant therapy for life


Which teaching point(s) should the nurse include when educating a patient on how to manage and prevent a sickle cell crisis? Select all that apply.

A.  Avoid dehydration
B.  Do not eat foods containing folic acid or iron
C.  Keep immunizations updated
D.  Protect skin from trauma
E.  Take opioids only as prescribed

avoid dehydration, keep immunizations updated, protect skin from trauma, take opioids only as prescribed


The nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with diabetes insipidus.  The nurse monitors for which therapeutic effect as a result of the administration of vasopressin?

Decreased blood pressure

Decreased serum glucose

Decreased thirst

Decreased urine output

decreased urine output


A nurse is planning care for a client who has Stage 4 chronic kidney disease. Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of care? Select all that apply.

A. Assess for jugular vein distention

B. Provide frequent mouth rinses.

C. Auscultate for a pleural friction rub

D. Provide a high-sodium diet

E. Monitor for dysrhythmias

assess for jugular vein distention

provide frequent mouth rinses

auscultate for pleural friction rub

monitor for dysrhythmias


A patient comes into the clinic complaining of hoarseness that has lasted about a month.  Which diagnosis will the nurse suspect as consistent with this finding?

Chronic pharyngitis

Chronic tonsillitis

Laryngeal cancer

Laryngeal polyps

laryngeal cancer


The nurse is admitting a pre-operative female patient who takes a daily oral contraceptive.  

The nurse's postoperative plan of care should include which intervention?

Cessation of the oral contraceptives until 3 weeks postoperative

Dependent positioning of the patient’s extremities when at rest

Doppler ultrasound of peripheral circulation twice daily

Early ambulation and leg exercises

early ambulation and leg exercises


A patient presents to the emergency room with a chemical burn to both hands. What is the nurse’s first intervention?

A.  Contact the Poison Control Center to determine the most appropriate neutralizing  
B.  Delay treatment until the chemical is correctly identified.
C.  Elevate the extremities to promote circulation.
D.  Protect yourself, remove patient’s clothing, and begin irrigation with copious
      amounts of water.

Protect yourself, remove patient’s clothing, and begin irrigation with copious
      amounts of water.


The nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with adrenal cortex hyperfunction (Cushing’s disease). Which assessment finding is of concern?



Weight loss




A nurse is planning care for a client who has prerenal acute kidney injury (AKI) following abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Urinary output is 60 mL in the past 2 hour, and BP is 92/58 mm Hg. The nurse should expect which of the following interventions?

A. Prepare the client for a CT scan w/ contrast dye.

B. Plan to administer nitroprusside

C. Prepare to administer a fluid challenge

D. Plan to position the client in Trendelenburg

C. Plan to administer a fluid challenge