Labs (and Other Things)

To help prevent pneumonia in your post-op patient that is not quite ambulating yet, this is one thing you should teach them about

What is incentive spirometry 10x/hour while awake?


Your patient complains of 3/10 pain. One of these medications would be most appropriate to offer: Morphine 10mg IVP, Dilaudid 1-2 mg PO, or Tylenol 1000 mg PO?

What is Tylenol 1000 mg PO?


This test measures the amount of nitrogenous urea, a byproduct of protein metabolism in the liver; an elevation does not always mean that renal disease is present.

What is blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level?


This type of obstructive disease typically results in oxygen sats between 88-93%.

What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?


Your patient is receiving 20mg of Lasix BID.  This lab value will be closely monitored.

What is Potassium (K+)?


This is something you should teach your patient to do before taking their beta-blocker

What is check your heart rate and BP before taking the medication?


Lisinopril/Zestril is an example of this type/class of cardiac medication

What is an ACE inhibitor?


Loud, high pitched, rishing sound that signals increased motility or movement.

What is hypoactive bowel sounds?


Your patient is struggling to breathe, HR 120, RR36, O2 sat=78%.  This is the best choice for oxygen therapy.

What is a 100% non-rebreather?

This lab must be done in order to administer blood products specific to the patient, and this must be present on the patient.

What is type and screen, checking blood/ID band


Your patient is receiving Albuterol for the first time, this is a common side effect that you need to teach your patient about

What is increased heart rate?


A medication commonly used to prevent venous thromboembolism in hospitalized patients

What is SQ Lovenox or heparin?


This bacterium lives on the lining of the stomach that causes ulcers

What is Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)?


This condition occurs when air is trapped under the skin. It is characterized by the palpable or audible popping, crackling, grating, or crunching sensation that can occur when air is pushed through the soft tissue in the chest.

What is crepitus?


This medical diagnosis is anticipated for a patient that complains of RLQ pain with rebound tenderness, fever, and elevated WBCs.

What is appendicitis?


Your patient is day 2 s/p heart surgery (CABG), this is something important that you will want to review with them about coughing and their sternal incision

What is splinting (using heart pillow)?


This is a common side effect of an ACE but not an ARB medication

What is a dry, persistent cough?


This medication is used to decrease serum ammonia in patients with GI/renal impairment.

What is lactulose?


This is the diagnostic test of choice for patients with productive cough, fever, and rhonchi.

What is a chest X-ray?


Incontinence, impaired mobility, increased age, bony prominences, and malnutrition all have this in common.

What are risk factors for pressure ulcers?


In teaching your Type 2 Diabetic patient, it is important to stress tight control on glucose levels for this reason

What is to prevent micro/macrovascular complications?


Your patient complains of chest pain.  These medications/nursing interventions are indicated.

What is MONA: Morphine, Oxygen, Nitroglycerin, Aspirin?


This is inflammation of the renal pelvis and the parynchyma commmonly caused by bacterial invasion; most common causative bacterial organism is Escherichia Coli.

What is pyelonephritis?

Breathing against positive expiratory pressure and vibrates the thick secreations so you can bring them up and out

What is Acapella?


An effective hand sanitizer contains at least this % of alcohol to kill coronavirus and other germs.

What is 60%?