The best way to address this patient is facing them, bright lights, normal tone of voice.
What is a patient that is HOH?
Head of Bed
Pro Re Nata
What is PRN?
The equivalent of 5 mLs approximately.
What is a teaspoon?
Best practice would be to use standard precautions when performing this task.
What is collection of SPEC?
This person is the NA's primary responsibility.
Who is the pt?
Complicated pregnancies, heart cath patients and patients with acute spinal fracture are possible candidates for this order for stability.
What is CBR?
Twice daily or every 12 hours.
What is BID?
This isn't as mean as it sounds - it just means to encourage fluids frequently and while awake.
What is FF?
These are reported in T,P,R BP as a standard for the medical community.
What are V/S?
This order may be given before testing or after surgery - at least until the ability to swallow returns.
What is NPO?
This is also called long term care facilities.
What is SNF?
Every 8 hours or three times daily.
What is TID?
Typically this may be performed with the order stating "until clear" returned fluids.
What is SSE?
Reporting and recording may be done through out the NA's shift but typically must be performed at least once at the end of shift reporting.
What is I & O?
Hand hygiene, PPE and cough etiquette are some of the requirements for these.
What are UP?
Equipment that is portable and readily available for patient use when mobility is an issue or an enema has been administered, for example.
What is BSC?
Usually, these are at the patient's discretion as to when these will be requested or desired.
What is Ad Lib?
Fluids are recorded in this unit of measurement.
What is mL?
Airborne and contact precautions are needed to avoid this common affliction of the throat but it can occur in other parts of the body.
What is Strep?
Precautions with this therapy include no smoking, no Chapstick and make sure that a doctor's order is in place (it's a medical intervention)
What is O2?
Assist with mobility - make sure that the locking device as been engagement before assisting the client to be seated.
What is WC?
These are performed at the convenience of the patient when practicing person centered care.
What are ADL's?
This is in our scope of practice and used to prevent contractures, promote circulation and prevent muscle atrophy.
What is ROM?
Fairly common on the skin, hair, eyes and nose of healthy people, it's the bacteria that causes MRSA.
What is Staph?