Types of farm animals
cow, pig, horse, chicken, goat, sheep, rooster, donkey, lamb, dog, rabbits
Things that you drink
water, milk, juice, pop, tea, coffee, smoothies, milkshakes, lemonade, gatorade, hot cocoa
Types of red things
apples, strawberries, firetrucks, stop signs, hot sauce, ketchup, tomato, blood, cherries, hearts, roses, takis
Things made out of wood
Things you would bring to the beach
beach ball, swimsuit, sunscreen, towel, floaties, flip flop, umbrellas, snacks, sunglasses, sun hat, goggles, bucket, shovel, cooler, basket/beach bag, flippers, aqua shoes
Types of desserts
cake, cupcake, cookies, pie, ice cream, donuts, candy, pudding, gummy bears, brownies, jello, cheesecake
Things that you write/draw with
pencil, pen, crayon, markers, colored pencils, paints
Types of things that are round
circles, cake pops, pizzas, pies, ball, clock, balloons, wheels, buttons, steering wheel, drums, chrome symbols, oreos, beads, profile pictures, wreath, ornaments, frisbee, bubbles, hula hoop
Things you would put on a hamburger.
Cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle, bacon, avocado, fried egg, ketchup, mustard, mayo
Things you would find in your kitchen
Refridgerator, freezer, stove, oven, sink, dishwasher, cups, plates, bowls, spoons, forks, knives,
Types of school subject specials (not core classes)
art, music, gym, computers, band, handbells, choir, cooking, woodshop, home economics, graphic design
Things that you play with at recess
outdoor: jump ropes, frisbee,
Things that are long (rectangular)
snakes, rulers, skyscrapers, pencils, water bottles, giraffe's neck
The parts of a car
engine, doors, windows, trunk, wheels, seats, radio, steering wheel, A/C, arm rest, cup holders, seat belts
Things you would find at the north pole
snow, santa, reindeer, elves, sleigh, presents
Types of clothing/jewelry accessories
hats, scarves, gloves, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings, purses
Types of vehicles that drive
cars, trucks, trains, planes, boats, submarines, helicopters, rockets, bike, bus, limosine, cybertrucks, firetrucks, ambulances,
Things that are gigantic
mountains, oceans, whales, red wood trees, the amazon rainforest, Shaq 7'1", the word, the universe!
Parts of a plant
leaf, stem, roots, seeds, petals, fruits, buds, pollen
Things you would find in an art class
paper, pencils, colored pencils, crayons, markers, paint, paint brushes, scissors, glue, clay, aprons
Types of music genres
pop, rock, rap, soul, classical, country, jazz
Things that you read
books, magazines, newspapers, recipes, directions, instructions, subtitles on TV, social media posts.
Things that are yellow
the sun, bananas, pineapples, sunflowers, dandelions, corn, lemons, peppers, school buses, cheese, bees, ducklings, baby chicks, egg yolks
Things made out of glass
windows, bottles, jars, glasses, bowls, vases, mirrors, art, computer/tv screens, windshields
Places within typical town/city
town hall, post office, hospital, schools, church, playground/park, grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, banks