The Code I bill for CFTs face to face with Pt in Office
What Is T1016-53?
The modifier you use when providing Peer Services, Telehealth to your patient
A therapist provides therapy services via video telehealth while pt is at home.
What is H0004GT12
What two templates do you "bill" on when completing an assessment in its entirety?
What template do I bill on when billing a staffing note?
What is the Staffing Note Template?
Which Place of Service Modifier do I use when providing CM in the Home (53, 12, 99, 03)
What is place of service modifier, 12
You provide Peer Support Services face to face to your patient in the school.
What is H0038-03?
You are meeting with a patient in the office, you are face to face.
I complete an assessment over the phone and the family is at home, which code do I use?
When you are deciding on which Place of Service Modifier to use (53, 12, 03, 99), how do you know which to use?
It's where the client is!
Which modifier is often associated with PHONE case management, with or without video? (hint, not a number)
What is "FQ"?
You provide Peer Services Face to Face to your patient in the Home
You are meeting with your patient in the home for therapy services.
What is H0004-12
I complete an assessment with a family face to face at the school, which code do I bill?
The General Code for Case Management
What is T1016?
You Provide Peer Services to your patient via Telehealth Video while you are remote and they are at their home.
What is H0038GT12?
You are providing therapy to the family without the client present in the office
You complete an assessment via telehealth, which code?
You are observing your patient at the park, which code?
What is H0038-99
You are providing therapy to the family with client via telemed.
What is H0004HRGT
What code do you bill for the contact note along with your assessments if you met with the family at the school?