Interview 1
Interview 2

You recently purchased a new smartphone, but you’re having trouble connecting it to your home Wi-Fi. You call customer service, and they guide you through troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue. The conversation focuses on ensuring your satisfaction with the product.

Service-Oriented Interview


During your annual performance review, your supervisor meets with you to discuss your accomplishments over the past year, areas for improvement, and your goals for the upcoming year. The focus is on assessing your performance and planning for your professional development.

Appraisal Interview


A sales representative from a solar energy company visits your home to explain the benefits of installing solar panels. They present data on cost savings and environmental impact, trying to convince you to sign a contract for their services.

Persuasive Interview


Your team has been facing delays in delivering projects. The department head schedules a meeting with you to discuss the issues, identify the root causes, and brainstorm potential solutions to improve efficiency and meet deadlines.

Problem-Solving Interview


You receive a call from a research firm asking for your opinions on recent political events. The interviewer asks you a series of questions designed to gather data on public opinion for a national poll.

Survey Interview


After deciding to leave your job, HR schedules an interview to discuss your experiences with the company, reasons for leaving, and any suggestions you might have for improving the workplace environment.

Exit Interview


You are applying for a job as a marketing manager. During the interview, the hiring manager asks you about your previous experience, your skills, and how you would handle specific challenges. This conversation is part of the process to determine if you are the right fit for the position.

Selection Interview


You are feeling overwhelmed with work and personal responsibilities. You meet with a counselor who listens to your concerns, offers support, and helps you explore ways to manage stress and improve your well-being.

Counseling Interview