Who created Star Wars?
Who is George Lucas
Who is the main protagonist in the Spiderman franchise?
Who is Green Goblin
Who is the man that screams his name to gain his superpowers?
What is SHAZAM!
What episode does Luke Skywalker learn the force?
What is episode five
Who are the "Big Three" in the Marvel franchise?
Who is Ironman, Thor, and Captain America
What is Superman's primary weakness?
What is kryptonite
In the clone wars a special order is given out to all clones. What is the name?
What is "Order 66."
Who is the big purple bean man?
Who is Thanos
Who carries a lasso as a utility?
Who is Wonder Woman
What hand is cut off of Luke Skywalker after the duel against his father?
What is his right hand.
In the movie Venom the Last Dance many symbiotes are release from a lab. What symbiote is stollen by Dr. Paine
What is Agony
What does DC stand for?
What are detective comics
In the series The Mandalorian Mando meats what jedi?
Who is Luke Skywalker?
What Character gives this quote come from?
"What great power comes great responsibility"
Who is Spiderman
Who is the first acter to play as Batman?
Who is Lewis Wilson