So it's red and itchy
That's got to hurt...
Infectious Causes
Fungus Fun!
Childhood Rashes

Red, itchy rash on infant's face...

Atopic Dermatitis


No idea what happened doc...but my finger really hurts!

What's the name of this rash and the main viral cause?

Cause: HSV-1,2. Especially in patients who chew on nails during herpetic gingivostomatitis outbreak  


These "honey-crusted" lesions are caused most commonly by what 2 bacteria? 

Impetigo - Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes 

Treatment: Topical mupirocin if small area. 1st generation cephalosporin (Keflex, Ancef) if MSSA and large distribution. Vancomycin, Clindamycin, Bactrim if MRSA and large distribution.


"I got a kitten at the shelter last week! I also have this spot."

Name this rash and how to treat it. 

Tinea corporis/"ringworm"

Treatment: topical antifungal creams (miconazole, clotrimazole, terbinafine)1-2x/day for 1-3 weeks


This itchy rash started on the face and spread towards the toes. Patient was otherwise well without fever or cough.

Rubella/German measles


Toddler who recently got treated for AOM presents with the following rash...

Erythema multiforme


"My little boy has tons of peeling skin!"

Name the bacterial cause of this rash and the rash itself. 

Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSSS) - caused by Staph infection

Looks like SJS - most often caused by drugs or Mycoplasma pneumoniae (also acceptable answer)


"So I went hiking last weekend and now I have this..."

Name the rash and the oral treatment in children over age 8. 

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Doxycycline for those over 8

(Amoxicillin for those under 8

IV Ceftriaxone if not responsive to oral treatment or meningitis)


Name this rash and 1 treatment option. 

Tinea capitis

Treatment: 6 weeks of oral griseofulvin, terbinafine, fluconazole, itraconazole


HHV-6 (Human Herpesvirus 6) causes this classic maculopapular rash, which develops after fever. Name this disease. 

Roseola infantum/6th disease 

Treatment: Supportive 


This teenager walks into clinic with this on their arm after getting a new bracelet from a friend...

Name the rash and treatment for it. 

Contact dermatitis

Caused by chemical/irritant 

Treatment: cool compresses, topical steroids or emollients. Avoidance of trigger


Toddler presents from daycare with the following rash. What is the name of this rash and its most common viral cause?

Hand, foot, and mouth disease

Viral causes: Enterovirus, coxsackievirus


Name these "pearly papules" and their treatment options.

Molluscum contagious - caused by pox virus

Treatment: resolves in 6-18 months without treatment. Topical irritants, liquid nitrogen, and curettage are suboptimal can be used but can scar.


This rash often gets worse in the summertime. Name this rash and one topical treatment. 

Pityriasis versicolor   

Treatment: selenium sulfide or ketoconazole shampoo, imidazole creams, or oral fluconazole 

Causes: Pityrosporum obiculare/Malassezia furfur


This rash is often described as "dew drops on a rose petal." Name this rash and its treatment for immunocompetent patients. 



Treatment: Supportive care. Vaccination within 72 hrs reduces symptom duration. Consider IV acyclovir or IgG for immunocompromised patients.


What is the treatment for erythema multiforme? Name 2 common causes. 

Treatment: withdraw offending agent, supportive care. Antihistamines for itching.  

Common causes: infection (HSV, mycoplasma), medications (PCN, sulfas, NSAIDs), inflammatory conditions, environmental agents 


The differential for this rash includes cellulitis and erysipelas. What is the distinction? 

Erysipelas- involves upper dermis and superficial lymphatics

Cellulitis- involves deeper dermis and subcutaneous fat


Name the cause and treatment of this rash. 

Scarlett fever

Cause: Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A strep)

 Treatment: Treat with PCN, Amoxicillin, IM Bicillin (1 dose only)


A infant presents for well-child check with their parents. Parents report patient has a stubborn diaper rash and you notice erythematous satellite lesions on exam. 

Name this rash and its treatment. 

Candida diaper dermatitis

Treatment: topical azole - ie. clotrimazole 1% 2-3 times per day 


This rash began after 3-4 days of fever, conjunctivitis, coryza, cough. Name the rash and the oral spots which often accompany it. 



Koplik spots (1-3 mm white/gray spots) often are present on buccal mucosa 1-2 days before rash begins.  


Teenager presents after spending a weekend at the pool with her friends.

Name the rash and most common cause. 

Hot tub folliculitis

Most commonly caused by Pseudomonas


This rash began on a young woman 5 weeks after starting a new medication. What is the name of this rash and 3 medications which may cause it? 

DRESS syndrome: Triad of fever, rash, internal organ involvement (multiorgan system failure, fulminant hepatitis). Peripheral eosinophilia is >50% of cases. 

Cause: antiepileptic drugs, sulfas, minocycline, vancomycin, dapsone  


This toddler has the rash below. Dad also has a similar rash but only between his fingers. 

Name the rash and first line treatment.


Children may have whole body rash where adults usually have lesions on wrists, ankles or interdigital spaces. 

Treatment: 5% Permethrin head to toe, leave on for 6-8 hrs and wash off. Repeat in 1 week. Treat all household members. Wash and dry all washable items in hot water with hot dryer. If items can not be washed, place in plastic bag for 72 hrs (mite can not live outside host >48hrs)


Daily Double!

This pruritic rash is not caused by a fungus but is often confused with tinea corporis (but no hyphae are seen with KOH). Often a single patch precedes more lesions. Name this rash.  

Pityriasis Rosea

Appearance: Single herald patch often proceeds “Christmas tree” pattern of other lesions by 1-2 weeks

Cause: Unknown. Maybe viral 

Treatment: self limited, lasting 4-8 weeks


This patient presents with his mother who is an OB continuity patient of yours! Name this rash and risks to pregnancy that this disease can cause. 

Erythema Infectiosum/5th disease

Cause: Parvovirus B19

Treatment: Supportive. Patients are no longer infectious once rash appears. 

5-10% of pregnant people may experience fetal loss due to intrauterine hydrops