Who is auntie May’s favorite grandchild
Probably genny
Where does Dexter Morgan Take place?
Miami FL
Who is Master Chiefs AI companion
Who is Minnesota’s Hockey Team?
Minnesota Wild
Which football team played on Genesis BirthDate in 2023
What is uncle king’s record in poker against Darius
Probably 8-2
In Harry Potter, in order too access the maurauders map, what is the key to activate it?
I solemnly swear, I am up to no good
Who is the name of Resident Evil 7s Protagonist
Ethan Winters
What is Minnesota’s Nickname?
North Star State
What is the smallest bone one your body
The Stappes
Where does Auntie may work?
UCare at home
In Attack on Titan, what is the name of the first/Erens titan
Founding Titan
In Borderlands 2 who is the main villain
Handsome Jack
How many lakes are in Minnesota?
What is the first Pixar Movie
Toy Story
Where did uncle Kong recommend Darius a job
DSG supply house in burnsville
In Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion, what is the protagonists code name
In Fallout new Vegas, who shoots you in the the face?
Where does the Mississippi River start?
Lake Itasca
Who is Genesis’s favorite person
Auntie May/ Darius
what did auntie may do, to stop auntie Nancy from beating her up
Bang her own head against the wall
In Full Metal Alchemist, what are the Elric brothers looking for
Philosopher stone/ Their Body’s Back
What is the game that Marcus and Darius both spend money on
Team Fortress2
What is MN’s state bird?
Who was the artist that Marcus passed out before Marcus could see them preform