What is NUS Arts Production Crew?
Number of specialisations we offer during Sem 1
The date of our Welcome Tea
When is 21 August?
The name of the best Group Manager in the world
Who is River Chua?
The conventional name for this piece of equipment (a)
What is a microphone?
Number of members we have
How much is 60-70?
A name of a specialisation we offer during Sem 1
What is lighting design / sound design / stage management?
The day of the week of our Welcome Tea
When is Wednesday?
How much is 31?
Slightly more professional name of this piece of equipment (b)
What is an LED Par Light?
This is the only EXCO position that isn't listed here: President, Vice President, Productions IC, Welfare IC
What is a Secretary-Treasurer?
Average number of training sessions per specialisation
How much is 6/7/8?
The time of our Welcome Tea
When is 4PM?
Number of groups we've supported last AY through productions
How much is 22?
Model Name of this piece of equipment (c)
What is the SONY A6400?
The name of the events series we're mostly a part of
What is Third Space?
What is NUSync?
The location of our Welcome Tea
Where is CFA Music Library?
Number of groups we're SMing for at SLF Stage
How much is a WHOPPING 35??????
The name of this type of tape (d)
What is gaffer tape?
A type of service we offer that IS NOT on the pamphlet >:)
Number of productions MINIMUM after finishing training
The names of all 3 of our CFA Sibling Groups (all under the same manager)
Who are NUS EML, NUS Amplified, and NUS Voices?
T/F: We have our own instruments!
TRUE (Drum kit!)