Statistics and Probability
Mixed Bag
Problem Solving

Tammy left her house at 8:35 in the morning and did not return until 4:45 in the afternoon. How long was Tammy away from her house?

8 hours and 10 minutes


A bag contains 15 beads that are either red or yellow. The probability of randomly removing a red bead is 20%. What is the probability of randomly removing a yellow bead?



What is the value of the expression 5 + ( – 17) – ( – 4)?



Emma has $1.25 in coins. What is the least number of coins she can have?



A square has a perimeter of 52cm. What is the length of each side?

13 cm


Which of these is the longest distance?

0.1203 km 

123 m

1230 cm 

12 030 mm

123 m


Leo recorded the number of pages he printed over five weeks.

17, 22, 17, 24, 20

What is the mean number of pages Leo printed?



Helen has 24 red apples and 12 green apples. What fraction of the apples are green?



Determine the larger of 2/3 or 3/4 .



A design is made using twice as many large beads as small beads.

The mass of each large bead is 120 milligrams.

The mass of each small bead is 80 milligrams.

The total mass of all the beads used is 32 grams.

How many beads are used in total to make the design?

300 beads


Two places are 4.7 cm apart on a map. On the map 1 cm represents 5 km. What is the actual distance between the two places?

23.5 km


A bag of marbles contains 3 green marbles, 2 red marbles and 5 blue marbles. A marble is chosen at random. Find the probability that a red marble is chosen.

2/10 or 1/5 or 20%


A copier prints 1200 leaflets. One-third of the leaflets are on yellow paper and the rest are on blue paper. There are smudges on 5% of the blue leaflets. How many blue leaflets have smudges?



Mike had 4 cups of rice. He used 1/2 cup of rice for one recipe and 1 1/4  cups of rice for another recipe. How many cups of rice did Mike have left?

2 1/4 cups


Lara earned $16.92 per hour working at a store. This week she worked for 12  1/4 hours. She used the money she earned this week to buy concert tickets for herself and her friends. Each concert ticket cost $19.55. What is the maximum number of concert tickets Lara could have bought?

10 tickets


Mona is travelling to visit her sister who lives 175 kilometres away. Her car uses 6.85 litres of fuel per 100 kilometres. How much fuel will Mona need to travel to her sister’s house? Round your answer to the nearest litre.

12 litres


A fair $1 coin and a fair $2 coin are tossed at the same time. What is the probability that both coins will show tails?



Steven cuts his birthday cake into 8 equal slices. He eats 25 % of the cake in whole slices. How many slices of cake are left?

6 slices


Grace is 16 years old. Mark is 5 years more than twice Grace’s age. How old is Mark?



Vicki and Anya are saving money for a holiday. Vicki has $300 and plans to save $20 each week. Anya has $250 and plans to save $30 each week. After how many weeks will Vicki and Anya have saved the same amount?

3 weeks


When a kettle is full of water it has a mass of 2900 grams. When the kettle is half full of water it has a mass of 2050 grams. What is the mass of the kettle when it is empty?

1200 grams


A bag of marbles contains 3 green marbles, 2 red marbles and 5 blue marbles. A marble is chosen at random. Find the probability that a green marble is not chosen.

7/10 or 70%


The height of a door is 210 cm. Darren is 5/7 of the height of the door. What is Darren’s height?

150 cm


Sophia wants to buy the type of pasta that is the best value. Which type of pasta costs the least per gram?

Pasta shells 150 g for $2

Pasta spirals 250 g for $2

Spaghetti 400 g for $3

Fettucini 500 g for $5



A 30m long train, is travelling at 30m per minute into a 30m long tunnel. How long will it take the train to travel through the tunnel?

2 minutes