The Early Years

The year widely accepted as the birth of NA as we know it today.

What is 1953?


The only requirement for membership

What is a desire to stop using?


NA's basis of recovery from the disease of addiction and the organization it was borrowed from

What are the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)


The first documented service of this subcommittee started in 1963 in the town of Tahachapi with long time member Bob B. attending on the inside.

What is Hospitals & Institutions (H&I)?


The making of this piece of literature was the first time more than just a few addicts collaborated to generate a piece of work which was ultimately approved in 1982.

What is the Basic Text?


The person widely accepted as the "founder" of Narcotics Anonymous

Who is James Kinnon (Jimmy K)?


This is our public relations policy

What is attraction rather than promotion?


The organization that had the first documented use of the title "Narcotics Anonymous" ultimately failed due to this reason.

What is not including the Traditions?


The first of its kind in NA started in 1960 in the home of the founder of NA.

What is the phoneline or answering service?


This reading, commonly read at NA meetings, is the oldest reading that has not been revised

What is Just For Today?


The first meeting of NA as we know it today was held in this area of Southern California.

What is the San Fernando Valley or Sun Valley, CA?


These are our spiritual and practical foundations

What is anonymity and unity?


In 1947, this organization, which was a precursor to NA, met weekly in Lexington, Kentucky, at the US Public Health Service's Treatment Center at a federal prison.

What is NARCO or Addicts Anonymous?


This is the name of the first of its kind which was held at La Mirada country club in La Mirada, CA from November 5th-November 7th, 1971.

What is the World Convention of Narcotics Anonymous (WCNA)?


This piece of literature developed in 1960 is widely accepted as the precursor to the Basic Text and contained readings commonly read at meetings. Later, personal stories were added.

What is the Little White Book or White Book?


The introduction of this concept in Narcotics Anonymous is credited to its founder and has led to huge leaps in the scientific and professional communities with regards to addiction.

What is the disease concept?


Professional editors, accountants, phone operators, printing companies, speaker tape recorders, translators, WSO warehouse worker etc. 

What are special workers?


Although not the NA we know of today, this was the city and state that the name "Narcotics Anonymous" was used in to describe an organization.

What is New York City, NY?


Founded in 1964, the main purpose of this committee was to see to it that NA does not die again. The role of being the guardians of the Traditions comes from this early era.

What is the Board of Trustees (later formed into the World Board)?


A specific piece of literature that was being reproduced and given away for free as an unauthorized version of another piece of literature on the justification that the original was overpriced and changes had been made to the original without the Fellowship's approval which ultimately led to a lawn suit

What is the Baby Blue?


This was the year since NA's founding that there was a 4 month period in which no meetings existed anywhere.

What is 1959?


The original Traditions were published in this AA publication in 1946 under the title Twelve Points to Assure our Future. 

What is the AA Grapevine?


The name of who is widely considered the founder of the first Narcotics Anonymous, different from the one we know today.

Who is Danny C?


This committee began in Bill B.'s barber shop in 1967 and was similar to today's RSC with a representative service structure.

What is the Parent General Service Organization (Parent GSO)?


This was NA's first publication.

What is the Little Brown (Yellow) Book