Which Step says the following we made a list…
Step 8
What is the definition of powerlessness in the basic text?
What is powerlessness means using against our will.
When are you a member of NA?
When you say you are
We have a problem with drugs and a problem with addiction
In step do we admit unmanageability
Step 1
What year was the NA program started?
Step 12 tells us to place blank before blank
Principles before personalities
What is NA program?
NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs…
Addiction is an incurable disease
In what steps do we make amends where ever possible
Step nine
Who is highlighter?
Personal recovery depends on what?
NA unity
The words drugs and narcotics are found nowhere in the 12 steps
Who says I’m a committed man to recovery?
Who is Gilbert?
what is our primary purpose?
to carry the message to the addict who still suffers
What do we live for
Just for today
In NA we say we are clean and sober?
Who makes the hotest fliers?
Mila C.