Dramatic Structure
Literary Terms, Elements, and Devices
Narrative Perspective

This element of a story sets up the setting, or time and location of the story, as well as the main characters and the atmosphere of the story.

What is the exposition?


These are the two primary terms used to identify types of conflict in literature.

What is internal and external conflict.


This term is used to identify the time and place a story occurs.

What is the setting or what is setting?


This is the most common narrative perspective, in which the narrator is not identified and is usually not an active participant in the story and can go anywhere and hear the thoughts of everyone.

What is a third person omniscient narrator?


This narrative strategy interests the reader in the first paragraph of the story.

What is a narrative hook, or hook?


This term is used to identify where a plot unravels after a climactic event in the story.

What is the falling action?


This term is used to identify conflict between two individuals in a story.

What is person vs person conflict or man vs man.


This literary term is used to identify a conversation between two or more characters in a story.

What is dialogue?


This type of unbiased narrator is not directly in the story and tells it as an outside observer looking in and can only report what is seen and heard.

What is a third-person objective narrator.


This formatting strategy denotes when a different character is speaking in a dialogue.

What is paragraphing, or what is indentation?


This term is used to identify the most significant turning point in the plot.

What is the climax?


What type of conflict exists in a story where characters are frequently dealing with fires, lightening, and sinkholes?

What is person vs nature or man vs nature conflict.


This term identifies an author's use of vivid detail to create an authentic character in a story.

What is characterization?


This type of narrator tells the story of protagonists as if they are right next to them, describing each of their thoughts and actions, often using the pronoun "you."

What is a second-person narrative perspective?


When writing a narrative essay, this term is used for language that attributes dialogue to a character.

What is an attributive clause or a dialogue tag?


This term identifies the conflict in a story that creates tension and moves the plot forward.

What is the rising action?


This type of conflict exists in a story where a person is frequently dealing with conflicting internal thoughts.

What is person vs self or man vs self conflict.


This literary term is used to identify an author's use of specific adjectives to stimulate the reader's senses.

What is imagery, or what are sensory details?


This narrative perspective is used when the main character tells their story from their perspective.

What is a first-person narrative perspective.


This element in the last paragraph of a personal narrative is unique to this specific writing mode.

What is a reflection?


This 18th century German individual created a method for diagraming plot that we still use today.

Who is Gustav Freytag?


This type of conflict occurs in a story where a character is in conflict with some type of new invention.

What is person vs machine or man vs machine (or technology) conflict.


This term is used for an authorial strategy where an author starts a story in the middle in order to interest a reader before going back to the beginning.



This term describes a first-person narrative perspective that is highly subjective.

What is an unreliable narrator?


This organization's standard is most commonly used to instruct students on how to organize the formatting of an essay in middle school ELA classes.

What is the Modern Language Association?