Narrative Elements
Story Arc
Figurative Language
Key Terms

The time and place where the events of a story take place.

What is the setting


The very first step in the writing process in which brainstorming, graphic organization, research, and planning take place.

What is prewriting?

The moment of highest drama and tension in a narrative, in which the main conflict is confronted fully.
What is the climax
A type of speech or writing that breaks away from the literal meaning in order to create a special effect or meaning.
What is figurative language

The term we use to describe the main character or principle actor in a narrative, the person with whom the reader most closely relates.

What is the protagonist? or hero?

The process that involves letting a reader know who the people in the story are and what they are like.
What is character development

Name of man who made a pyramid to describe the elements of a story.

Who is Freytag?

The first part of a story arc where the setting is established and characters are introduced.
What is the exposition
A comparison that is made between two unrelated things using the words "like" or "as."
What is a simile

A character in a narrative who is opposed to the protagonist or protagonists; a villain.

What is the antagonist ? 

The central struggle or tension within a narrative that shapes the plot and drives the action forward.
What is conflict

Words like, "next, then, later," that help the reader understand the story is moving along.

What are transitions?
The point in the story arc where the main conflict is introduced and the tension begins to build.
What is the rising action
A comparison that is made between two unrelated things that does not use the words "like" or "as."
What is a metaphor

The emotional voice that an author brings to a narrative.

What is the tone ?

The angle or perspective from which a story is told.
What is point-of-view

Writing that not only explains but helps the reader visualize or feel something.

What is elaborative or descriptive writing? 


The point in the story arc where the characters have faced the main conflict and events begin falling into place. You can have a big sigh of relief here.

What is the falling action ?

A figure of speech in which human characteristics are given to an animal or an object. (Example: "The wind whispered through the window.")
What is personification

The emotions that a narrative makes a reader feel.

What is the mood?

A main idea or message that is presented by the author in various ways throughout a narrative.
What is theme

Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, Hearing

What are the five senses?


The final step in the story arc in which all loose ends of the narrative are tied up and the story concludes.

What is the resolution or denouement? or end?

An exaggeration that is so dramatic that no one would believe the statement is literally true.
What is hyperbole

Personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole. These are all called...

What is figurative language?