Narrative Vocabulary
Figurative Langauge Vocabulary
Narrative Writing Application
Figurative Language Application

Define setting and list the three concepts that play into the setting:

When and where the story takes place

- Time




Define a simile

Comparing two unlike objects using like or as


What does the C stand for in C.E.R. and define it

Claim- a one sentence answer to the question being asked.


List 5 transition words 

First, next, then, furthermore, after, before, finally, etc.


Create an example of personification.

The trees were dancing in the wind.


What is a conflict and what are the two different types of conflict

The problem or struggle in the story:

-Internal Conflict

-External Conflict


Define and create a metaphor. Remember the "formula"

Comparing two unlike things without using like or as.

Ex. Her eyes are diamonds.


What does the E.R. stand for in C.E.R. and define them.

Evidence: a fact or information that helps us support/prove our claim. 

Reasoning: Our reason for using the quote. It explains our quote and ties it back to the claim. 


Add sensory details (3 different senses) to this sentence: 

I walked through the cafeteria at George White Middle School during the 7th graders' lunch period and saw students everywhere. 

I walked on the shiny floors into the loud, chaotic cafeteria at George White Middle School. I smelled the mixture of chicken tenders and pizza. 


Create an example of Onomatopoeia.

"Crunch," the sound came from under my boots as I stepped on the colorful leaves. 

Define direct and indirect characterization and explain the difference between the two

Direct characterization: When the author is explicitly telling us the character's traits "telling"

Indirect characterization: When the character traits are revealed through action, speech, appearance, or thought "showing"

Direct characterization is telling while indirect characterization is showing


Define and create an idiom.

A well-known phrase that has a different meaning than what the words actually say

ex. Break a leg at the show! 


What are 3 things we should avoid while writing the C in C.E.R.

Using first person

"I think"



Correct the following sentence by adding commas:

While Cash was sleeping I snuck up to him with a treat and he jumped up mid-nap to snag the cookie out of my hand.

While Cash was sleeping, I snuck up to him with a treat, and he jumped up mid-nap to snag the cookie out of my hand.


Locate the alliteration in the poem: 

A ship adrift, its sails slack, A sailor lost, a life on track. He dreams of land, a verdant shore, But storms arise, and winds implore.

His compass cracks, his hope grows thin, A beacon bright, a guiding sin. It lures him on, a fiery blaze, To crashing rocks, a watery maze.

A tragic end, a cruel jest, His journey’s goal, a fatal test. The sailor’s dream, a bitter plight, A beacon’s lure, a fatal light.

Sails, slack, a sailor


Define point of view, list the three types, and describe each type. 

Point of view: the lens through which the story is told

1st person: "I" - the narrator is telling the story through their eyes

2nd person point of view: "You"- the narrator is talking to the reader.

3rd person point of view: "He,she,they"- The author is telling outside of the story explaining what has happened.


Define a hyerbole and create three examples. 

Definition: An exaggeration for effect


I’ve told you a million times.

I’m so tired I could sleep for a year.

Her smile was a mile wide.


Create a reasoning for the following: 

C: Students should be given at least 20 minutes of recess a day because it will help them focus better during their academic classes.

E: "The American Heart Association, who is very well respected, stated that, ”It also helps kids reset their brains for the remainder of the day. 'After recess, for children or after a corresponding break time for adolescents, students are more attentive and better able to perform cognitively,' the organization said"(6).

R: ________________________________________________________________________________________

R: The American Heart Association speaks on the fact that recess is a time that gives students a mental break, and it allows them to spend time with their peers. Therefore, during this time, they are resetting their brains, and they can focus better when they return to their classes later in the day. Their focus in class will then allow them to do better academically. 


Correct the following sentence for grammatical errors: 

"Casey the large golden dog was at your front door this morning" said Laura "did you see him" 

"Casey, the large, golden dog, was at your front door this morning," said Laura, "did you see him?"


Find the explicit and implicit meaning of the stanza below. 

Beneath a painted smile, a hidden frown,

A masquerade of joy, a world unknown.

A heart that aches, a soul that’s torn,

A facade of strength, a spirit worn.

When will she take off the mask? 

When will she crack? 

Explicit Meaning:

  • A person is painted on, and she has an aching heart 

Implicit Meaning:

  • The poem suggests that many people may be struggling with underlying issues that they don't openly reveal. It can also highlight the societal pressure to always appear positive and happy.

Create a narrative plot structure and label and describe each of the 5 elements. 

Exposition: where the setting and character are introduced

Rising action: A build-up of events through conflict- where the plot develops

Climax: the height of the action/turning point of the story

Falling action: events begin to settle

Resolution: the final solution/outcome


Define irony and create 4 examples.

Definition: When the meaning of the words used is the opposite of what should be meant or what the reality of the situation is 


The fire station burned down!

There’s a blizzard happening on the first day of spring!

The doctor fainted at his patient’s injury!

The pilot was afraid of heights! 


Create a C.E.R. for the following prompt: 

Should social media have an age restriction? 

Answers will vary

-must have a claim with a reason (because...)

-Must have a quote from a credible source that defends the claim and is cited

-Must explain the quote and tie it back to the thesis


Create a 10-sentence mini-narrative without any grammatical errors, AND you must hit all of the narrative plot elements AND label them.

Answers will vary


Find irony and a metaphor in the poem:

A ship adrift, its sails slack, A sailor lost, a life on track. He dreams of land, a verdant shore, But storms arise, and winds implore.

His compass cracks, his hope grows thin, A beacon bright, a guiding sin. It lures him on, a fiery blaze, To crashing rocks, a watery maze.

A tragic end, a cruel jest, His journey’s goal, a fatal test. The sailor’s dream, a bitter plight, A beacon’s lure, a fatal light.


  • "A ship adrift, its sails slack" (comparing the sailor's life to a drifting ship)
  • "A beacon bright, a guiding sin" (comparing the beacon to a sin that leads to destruction)


  • The sailor dreams of land, but ultimately ends up in the sea.
  • The beacon, meant to guide, leads to his destruction.
  • The irony lies in the reversal of expectations.