Living In Space
Space Launch System
Journey to Mars
Where's the Sun?
Star Wars
The International Space Station, the science laboratory in space space built cooperatively by many countries, takes about how long to orbit the Earth?

A. 6 hours
B. 1 day
C. 90 minutes
The name of the crew vehicle that will take astronauts to Mars is called

A. the Space Shuttle
B. the Planet Hopper
C. Perseus
D. Orion
The amount of time it takes to get to Mars with current technology.

A. about 1 month
B. about 1 school year
C. about 7 months.
On Monday, August 21, 2017, all of North America will be treated to which of nature’s most awe inspiring sights?

A. Solar eclipse

B. Lunar eclipse

C. Northern Lights

D. Blue Moon

What is A. Solar eclipse? (100)

To find out what the eclipse will look like in your area, visit:
The ice planet Hoth is featured in Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back. Hoth is also the name of a real planet in our galaxy.

True or False?
The ISS is visible to the naked eye.

True or False?
What is True? (200)

To get alerts on when the station will be in your neighborhood, go to:
The atmosphere of Mars is composed mostly of this gas

A. oxygen
B. nitrogen
C. water vapor
D. carbon dioxide
200 POINT BONUS for Everyone!

It is never safe to look directly at the sun's rays – even if the sun is partly obscured. 
When watching a partial eclipse you must wear eclipse glasses at all times if you want to face the sun. (200)
Visit NASA’s Eclipse web site for more:
Desert planets like Tatooine, Jakku, and Jedha are thought to be

A. Common
B. Rare
C. They don't exist.
What is A. Common? (200)

Desert planets could be everywhere. There are over 3,000 confirmed planets around other stars in our galaxy alone, and astronomers believe that there are billions more awaiting discovery.
NASA is building two new rockets to take astronauts to Mars—the Space Launch System Crew, which will carry the crew, and the Space Launch System Cargo, which will be unmanned and send equipment to Mars. At liftoff, what accounts for most of the weight of the rocket?

A. Water, food and oxygen for astronauts

B. Rocket Fuel

C. Equipment to build Mars habitat

NASA’s Orion spacecraft is being built to take humans to Mars and back to Earth. The heat shield on Orion withstood temperatures of approximately 4,000°F during the Earth re-entry phase of Orion’s first spaceflight, Exploration Flight Test-1. Just how hot is 4,000°F?

A. About as hot as glowing orange lava flowing from volcanoes

B. About the same as the Earth’s molten core

C. About as hot as the surface of the Sun

D. About as hot as a summer day in Arlington, VA
What is B. About the same as the Earth’s molten core?
Solar eclipses are rare.

True or False?
Tatooine, a planet with two suns is

A. A real planet in our galaxy.
B. A fictional planet in the Star Wars galaxy.
C. Both
What is C. Both? (300)

Like Luke Skywalker’s home world, planets around a pair of stars really exist.
NASA is investigating building Mars habitats made out of

A. Ice

B. Dust soil and broken rock

C. recycled spacecraft materials

D. All of the Above
Which is the tallest?

A. The Saturn V Rocket

B. The Space Launch System Cargo Rocket

C. The Statue of Liberty

What is B. Space Launch System Cargo Rocket? (400)
In the movie the Martian, Astronaut Mark Watney grows potatoes to survive. Could astronauts really grow potatoes on Mars?

A. Yes, definitely, the Martian soil has the right kind and right amount of nutrients to grow potatoes.

B. Possibly. The soil on Mars has the nutrients plants would need to survive on Mars but they may not be in the right amounts. 

C. No, the Martian soil does not contain enough nutrients to grow potatoes.

Total solar eclipses will always continue to happen.

True or False?
What is False? (400)
In "The Empire Strikes Back," the Millennium Falcon dodges asteroids. Could it face a similar peril flying through our asteroid belt?

Yes or Probably Not?
The Water Recovery System on the International Space Station recycles water, reducing the amount of fresh water that needs to be transported from Earth to the ISS. The Water Recovery System recycles water from:


B. Water used for washing

C. Astronauts’ breath

D. All of the above

E. B and C but not A
What is D. All of the Above? (500)
NASA’s first launch of the Orion and SLS rocket is called Exploration Mission 1 or EM-1. This is a test launch and there will be no crew onboard.

What is the destination for EM-1?

A. Asteroid Belt

B. Thousands of Miles Beyond the Moon

C. Mars

D. International Space Station

What is B. Thousands of Miles Beyond the Moon? (500)
The amount of time it takes for the signal from Mars to reach Earth is

A. about 1 minute
B. about 14 minutes
C. less than 10 seconds
What is B. about 14 minutes? (500)
The first Death Star, seen in Rogue One and A New Hope, is the size of

A. The International Space Station

B. An asteroid

C. Earth’s moon

What is B. An asteroid? (500)