Primary function of the pulmonary system
What is to maintain life by supplying O2 to tissues and expelling CO2
this is an acute or chronic condition that is usually caused by allergic rhinitis
what is sinusitis
Area of contained infectious material in the lung. usually occurs in the lower portions of the lungs and in the R lung.
what is pulmonary abscess
acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchi's
what is bronchitis
spitting up of blood
what is hemoptysis
What is the larynx
Crooked nasal septum that is treated with a Rhinoplasty
what is a deviated septum
Inflammatory and infectious condition
of the lungs. Groups at risk: children, elderly, compromised respiratory system, premature infants with cardiac defects or pulmonary disorder
what is RSV
chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder characterized by destructive changes in alveolar walls and irreversible enlargement of alveolar air spaces; caused by long-term smoking
what is pulmonary emphysema
a high-pitched respiratory sound caused by obstruction of air passageway
what is stridor
this separates the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity and aids in breathing
what is the diaphragm
there are over 200 viruses that cause this
what is the common cold
Occurs when a blood clot (usually a DVT) or other material, such as a foreign body or tumor, lodges in and blocks an artery in the pulmonary circulation
what is a pulmonary embolism
A double fracture of 3 or more adjacent ribs resulting in instability in the chest wall
what is flail chest
impairment or loss of the sense of smell
what is anosmia
this is where gas exchanges occurs in the lungs
what is the alveoli/alveoli capillaries
common sx for this condition is dysphonia
what is tumors of the larynx
Inflammation of the lungs due to infection caused by either a viral or bacterial infection.
Leading cause of death worldwide and sixth leading cause of death in the United States
what is pneumonia
caused by long-term dust inhalation. AKA black lunch disease
what is pneumoconiosis
rapid and shallow respirations
what is tachypnea
this part of the respiratory system is long with ribbed cartilage and separates into 2 bronchi's
what is the trachea
caused by viral infections; often of bacterial streptococcal from tonsils (particularly in children), adenoids, nose
what is pharyngitis
Fungal disease found in dust contaminated by droppings from birds or bats in the Midwestern US
what is histoplasmosis
Acute herpesvirus infection (glandular fever) that results in lymphadenopathy and an enlarged spleen. Recovery can last months-
what is Infectious Mononucleosis: Epstein-Barr Virus Infection
dust disease caused by exposure to asbestos fibers
what is asbestosis