The prophet who helped restore the Lord's church to the Earth
Who is Joseph Smith?
Use ASL to give your response.
The sign signaling to a performer that you are applauding.
*open palm with spread fingers, hands up in the air rotating side to side quickly*
A normal type attack that always hits (unless dig or fly has been used by the opponent).
What is swift?
Ouran High School Host Club:
The item that Haruhi Fujioka breaks upon finding the Host Club, resulting in her being indebted to them.
What is a vase?
When there is a significant need for extra military personal during war, eligible civilians may be involuntarily called into military service.
What is a draft?
They year that the first LDS pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley.
What is 1847?
The word used to refer to a person who was raised by one or both deaf or hard of hearing parents.
What is a CODA?
A sidekick in the Pokémon TV show who's catch phrase is "The future is now, thanks to science!"
Who is Clemont?
The two main countries in the story, with Loid being from one and Yor being from the other.
What are Westalis and Ostania?
The war that cost the most American lives.
What is the American Civil War?
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint's longest living apostle, also a well known cardiologist.
Who is Russell M. Nelson?
A type of sign that is not any specific sign or word itself, but instead used to paint a picture to show what happened.
For example, signing a house, then showing the location of a person relative to it
What is a classifier?
The most valuable playable Pokémon card, assuming it grades 10 when authenticated.
English, First Edition, Shadowless, Holographic Charizard. Sold for $420,000.
Will also take Charizard Topsun Blue Back (1997) ($493,230) or Illustrator Pikachu (1998) ($5,275,000)
Full Metal Alchemist:
The person who wants to removed the militaristic regime over Amestris by way of become the Fuhrer.
Colonel Roy Mustang
A common nickname for Marines.
What are Leatherneck, Devil Dog, and Jarhead?
The three witnesses of the Gold Plates as documented in the beginning of the Book of Mormon.
Who were Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris?
The part of ASL that indicates tone, such as the difference between a questions and an exclamation, or the emotion involved such as anger or dejection.
What is facial expression?
What is body language?
The very first Pokemon.
Pokemons? Pokemen? Pokepeople?
(Four answers)
Who is Rhydon, Mew, Arceus, and Bulbasaur?
Attack on Titan:
The main defense the colossal titan has.
What is steam?
The lowest rank of an officer in the U.S. army.
What is a second lieutenant?
The year that polygamy was outlawed by congress in the United States.
What is 1862?
*This question will be given in ASL*
*Use English to give your response*
What are parameters?
What are Hand Shape, Palm Orientation, Movement, Location, Non-Manual Sign/Expression?
One of the Pokémon with the darkest lore, this Pokémon is said to be the ghost of a dead child possessing a tree stump.
Who is Phantump?
The person who stole the Stille from Frieren in the Magic Exam's 1st Test?
Who is Laufen?
This number of presidents have served in the military.
What is 31 (out of 44)?