The Nisga'a month for January
What is K'aliiyee?
The Nisga'a color for yellow
What is xslat'aak'almooskw?
Who is Rosetta or Ms. V
The name for adding numbers
What is addition?
The school secretary
Who is Priscilla?
The color of school exterior
What is blue and white?
The nisga'a color for blue
What is gwisgwoskw?
The only male teacher at NBES
Who is Mr. Peal?
The class that we learn about people around the world
What is Social Studies?
The grade 4 teacher
Who is Ms. Doolan or Lyla
What is grade 3, 4 & 5
What is maakskw?
The principal of the school
Who is Ms. Robinson
The time you play basketball
What is gym time?
The kindergarten teacher
Who is Mrs. V
The number of student desks in our classroom
What is 13?
The Nisga'a color for brown
What is maskw?
The Vice Principal of the school
Who is Mrs. V
The time I use glue, crayons, paint, scissors
What is art class?
The principal of the school
Who is Ms. Robinson
The number of students in the classroom when everyone is present
What is 12?
The Nisga'a color for purple
What is xsmaay'tkw?
The teacher who's name begins with the letter C
Who is Chasity?
The class we no longer have
What is Nisga'a class?
The boss of the school district
Who is Ms. Jensen?