This song opens Daft Punk's second studio album, Discovery (2001)
One More Time
The Nintendo Entertainment System is known as this in Japan
This media format replaced the Cassette Tape as the most popular way of listening to music in 1991.
These giant robots were created to hunt mutants, occasionally being produced by the villain Master Mold
All protagonists are part of this family
The Joestar Family
In Frank Herbert's Dune, these creatures generate oxygen for the desert planet Arrakis, as well as producing The Spice
This iconic video game was a pack-in title for all original Wii consoles
Wii Sports
This popular sitcom about living in New York City began in 1994, and ran for 10 seasons
Friends (1994)
This genetic scientist is a recurring villain for the X-Men, and is obsessed with the Summers family
Nathaniel Essex/Mr. Sinister
Yoshikage Kira's stand, Killer Queen, is named after a song by the band, Queen. His other stand abilities are named after these two other Queen songs
Sheer Heart Attack and Another One Bites the Dust
In the television series Lost, the show begins with all of the characters going through this tragic event
A plane crash
Tetris, the popular puzzle game, was created by a man from this country
The Soviet Union
What did Bill Clinton not do?
He did not have sexual relations with that woman
Magneto, the X-Men's most popular enemy, briefly joined the team during this period
1980s/Chris Claremont's run
This character's body parts are an essential plot point in Part 7 - Steel Ball Run
Jesus Christ
The film Big Trouble in Little China (1986) takes place in/under this west coast American City
San Francisco
This game is the first chronologically in the Metal Gear Solid franchise
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (2004) - 1964
This 1991 rock song shook up the music industry, leading to the "death" of 80s rock, and the proliferation of grunge/punk rock
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
Storm has this common phobia, first established in X-Men #101 (1976)
Claustrophobia - the fear of enclosed spaces
Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando are physically based on these 2 1980s action movie stars
Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger
Jörmungandr, The World Serpent
This PlayStation 2 Classic involves rolling up man-made objects to restore the stars in the sky
Katamari Damacy (2004)
As the year 2000 approached, computers around the world were susceptible to this, causing a media frenzy in the preceding years
The Y2K bug
James Marsden, known for his role as Tom Wachowski in the Sonic the Hedgehog film series, plays this X-Men member
JoJolion is part 8 of the series, and is a quasi-reboot of this previous part
Part 4 - Diamond is Unbreakable