In family therapy this is defined as the borders that separate a family system from other systems. This makes the family a distinct entity.
Jacob Moreno is created with coining these two terms in 1931 and 1936.
What is:
Group Counseling and Group Psychotherapy?
These are all terms that are used within psychology and counseling to refer to the process of determining or estimating the nature or intensity of a variety of attributes, abilities, and behaviors of an individual.
Appraisal, assessment, and evaluation
This theorist is associated with Classical Conditional research. One which infamously involves dogs
Ivan Pavlov
Father of Career Counseling
Frank Parsons
Adlearian Therapy is also known as....
Tuckman & Jensen (1965) are associated with these 5 Group Development Stages.
1. Forming, 2. Storming, 3. Norming, 4. Performing, and 5. Adjourning
This of a test is generally defined as the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure
Intimacy vs. isolation
Generativity vs. stagnation
Integrity vs. despair
Are stages of what?
Being identified as an INFJ comes from this personality test
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Victor Frankl
It suggested that successful adults groups do not exceed this many group members
This is commonly defined as the consistency of a test or the degree to which it yields the same results in repeated administrations to the same test group
This theorist believed that the personality is divided into 3 systems/processes: id, ego, and superego
The first to catergorize jobs into 8 fields. The eight fields are: (1) service (5) outdoor (2) business contact (6) science (3) organizations (7) general culture (4) technology (8) arts and entertainment
This is suitable for breaking cultural barriers and encourages non-judgmental responses to different values
Person-Center Therapy
This type of group does not allow new members to join after start and promotes cohesiveness and trust because membership is consistent.
This will require subjects to select a single answer out of already provided answers. Objective tests are, therefore, easier to score and demonstrate stronger reliability
Objective tests
According to Freud these 2 complexes come from from wanting sexual relations with their mother or the father.
Oedipus Complex and Electra Complex
An outgrowth of the general social learning theory of behavior proposed by...
Robert Bandura
CBT, EMDR, Conditioning, Reflex Therapy are all this type of therapy
Behavioral Therapy
This type of group consists of that members are dissimilar or not alike; problems are different (general counseling groups with members from differing backgrounds and with varying problems)
Heterogeneous Group
This test measures the ability to learn (skills) in a specific area or to predict future behaviors (DAT, ACT, SAT, GRE)
Aptitude Test
Sensorimotor, Pre-operational, Concrete Operational, Formation Operation
Making Career choices is considered...
A problem solving activity