The full name of Martin is …?
Martin Luther King Jr
What usually happens on Black Friday?
Huge discounts
When does Hanukkah takes place ?
25 th of Kislev
Where was located the Twin Towers?
In New York City
Where is Thanksgiving day celebrated ?
On the fourth Thursday of November
What is the birth date and year of Martin?
15 January 1929
Is Black Friday a tradition in countries outside the USA?
Yes , Black Friday has spread to other countries, like Canada ….
WHO celebrates Hanukkah ?
Jewish people
How many attacks took place ?
4 attacks
What is the traditional food served?
Mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, veggies,cranberry sauce….
How did Martin Luther King Jr die?
He was assassinated
Is Black Friday only about in-store shopping?
No, Black Friday has expanded to include online shopping as well
What foods are traditionally eaten?
Fried food, that symbolize the miracle of the oil.
What is the exact date of this tragic event?
11 September 2001
When was celebrated the firs Thanksgiving Day?
Thanksgiving Day started in 1621
What was about his iconic speech? ( Martin Luther King Jr’s)
“I have a dream “
Where does Black Friday usually take place?
On the Friday following Thanksgiving day
How long doses Hanukkah last ?
8 days
How many victims were after this tragedy?
Nearly 3000 people died
What people do on Thanksgiving Day?
Family day for blessing and thanks for the past year.
In what year and where was this powerful speech delivered? ( Martin Luther King Jr’s)
1963 Washington
When did he first defend and where ?
What is the meaning of the word “Hanukkah” ?
“Dedication “ comes from the Hebrew word.
How tall were the Twin Towers?
The North Tower was 417 m
The South Tower was 415 m
Who proclaimed Thanksgiving Day a national holiday?
The president Abraham Lincoln