Hand Hygiene
National Patient Safety Goals
Patient Safety
Universal Protocol
Safe Procedure Surgery
Patient Identification

This assessment tool gives a fall risk score based on mobility, mentation, elimination, prior fall history, and current medications

What is the Schmid Fall Risk Assessment?


According to the CDC, after applying soap in the palm of their hand, caregivers should lather well and scrub all surfaces of hands with good friction for this length of time to ensure proper hand hygiene.

What is 20 seconds?


In order to correctly identify a ChristianaCare patient, these two identifiers are used at a minimum 

What are patient name and date of birth? 


The primary goal of this type of meeting is to allow our staff to openly discuss an event to collect the "what happened" in a supportive, non-judgmental learning environment.   

What is a "Post-Event Debrief"?


Bedside procedures like central line insertion or chest tube placement require this safety check.

What is, Time out?


This policy guides the standardized safe practices related to OR and bedside procedures and surgeries  

What is Universal Protocol - Safe Procedure/Surgery 


To reduce the risk of medication errors and harms, these "Five Rights" should always be confirmed before medication administration.

What are:

Right Patient?

Right Drug?

Right Route?

Right Dose?

Right Frequency?


This safety feature, when engaged,  alerts staff that a patient is  getting out of bed 

What is a Bed Exit Alarm? 


This is the most effective method to reduce the number of germs on the hands and the preferred method for cleaning your hands in most clinical situations.

What is washing hands with soap and water which is generally considered superior to using alcohol based products? 

This test result type requires communication to a provider who can take action within one hour

What is a critical test result? 


This regular series of interdisciplinary educational sessions, highlights actual or near miss events, focused on analyzing and learning what ChristianaCare can do to prevent the event from happening again  

What is the "No Harm Intended" series?


These two processes prior to the procedural Time Out are opportunities to verify patient and procedure details and to identify potential discrepancies.

What is: "pre-procedure verification and briefing" 


True or false - Bedside placement of a chest tube can be done independently by a credentialed provider in lieu of performing a pre-procedure time out 

What is false? -  the provider should include primary nurse in order to incorporate all aspects of the safe procedure/surgery process  


Four major areas where errors in patient identification occur include the following.

What are Drug administration, Blood transfusion, Surgical procedures and Sample collection?


Assessment of this vital sign can provide valuable information regarding fall risk with change in patient position 

What is orthostatic blood pressure measurement?


Using soap and water (not hand sanitizer) is the recommended hand hygiene method when coming in contact with patients or environments possibly contaminated with this superbug.

What is C. difficile?


This rating scale is used to determine patient risk of suicide for ChristianaCare inpatients

What is the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale?


Caregivers belonging to this group serve as interdepartmental ambassadors for safety in their area and meet every other month to discuss the organization’s culture of safety and lessons learned in patient safety.

What is Safety Mentors?   


These safety measures were put in place for patients having surgery to assure correct patient, correct site, correct procedure, site marking, and performance of a timeout

What is universal protocol?


This step is taken when instrument breakage takes place during a surgical procedure even if all pieces are believed to have been retrieved from the surgical site 

What is an x-ray of the surgical site? 


In order to avoid mislabeled specimens, labeling of blood or other specimens should always occur in the presence of this individual.

What is the patient?


These are important steps when a  patient refuses a fall prevention strategy 

What is escalate to leadership and document the refusal including efforts to individualize the patient's care to keep them safe? 


This list includes the 5 ________ of hand hygiene:
1) When entering or leaving a pt room
2) Before donning gloves & after removing gloves
3) Before & after patient contact
4) After body fluid exposure risk
5) After contact with patient surroundings

What are the 5 moments of hand hygiene?


These elements in the Universal Protocol ensure the correct procedure is done on the correct patient and at the correct place on the body 

What is identify the correct patient, mark the site on the body, and perform a timeout just prior to incision?  


From the main portal, staff can use this web-based software to submit concerning safety issues/events for review and follow-up.  

What is the "Report 2 Learn (R2L)" Event Management System?  


This person is responsible for site marking prior to the procedure being performed.

Who is the provider   performing the procedure?


This form is used when it is not possible to mark the site of the procedure or if the patient refuses site marking  

What is the Alternative Site Marking Form?


These two patient identifiers are required to confirm positive patient identification.

What are Name & Date of Birth?


Use of this medication type increases the risk of injury in the event of a fall due to potential for bleeding 

What are anticoagulant medications?


According to the CDC, hand sanitizers must be this percentage of alcohol to be considered effective for hand hygiene.

What is at least 60% alcohol?


Improving healthcare equity is a quality and safety priority best addressed by 

What is identifying disparities in patient populations and implementing a plan to improve healthcare equity?


These notifications are placed on the employee portal to urgently outline safe practices related to a discovered risk associated with equipment, materials, software, or medications 

What are "Safety Alerts" or "Safety Notifications?"  


Surgery/Procedure Site Marking is required if the procedure involves either of these two things:

What is predetermined laterality and/or levels?


This is the next step when the patient/patient representative verbalize any difference in procedure or laterality 

What is a "hard stop" to check the following source documents: H&P, Informed Consent, Images/Radiology report, and pathology report if applicable


These three electronic tools were designed to decrease the potential for patient identification errors.

What are EHR (Electronic Health Record), BCMA (Bar Code Medication Administration) and CPOE (Computerized Provider Order Entry)?