Community Preparedness
Incident Command System
Name that Disaster

This communication system is used to distribute health alerts and warnings throughout the healthcare system and to SCPH employees.

What is CAHAN (California Health Alert Network)? 


National Preparedness Month is observed in this month to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies.

What is September?


This plan ensures the ability to continue to perform mission essential functions during a wide range of emergencies.

What is the Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)?


This is a standardized approach to emergency response, command, control, and coordination.

What is the Incident Command System?


This Natural disaster appears as a rotating, funnel-shaped cloud that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground with whirling winds that can reach 30 miles per hour.

What is a Tornado?


These are local volunteers with medical and public health experience that participate in preparedness activities throughout the year as well as during emergencies.

What are Medical Reserve Corps Volunteers (MRC)


The name of the emergency alert system used by Sacramento County (OES) to rapidly disseminate public safety information to Sacramento County residents.

What is SacAlert? 


This comprehensive, risk-based, all-hazard plan outlines how an organization will respond to an emergency including roles, responsibilities, and authorities.

What is the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)?


These “sections” comprise the general structure of ICS organization.

What are Operations, Planning, Logistics, Finance/Admin


In 1989, during game 3 of the World Series, this natural disaster struck and caused severe damage to the Bay Area. Bonus if you can name the 2 teams preparing to play

What is the Loma Prieta Earthquake?

Bonus: San Francisco Giants vs Oakland A’s


This federally-funded initiative enhances the ability of Sacramento County’s hospitals and health care systems to prepare for and respond to public heath emergencies.

What is the Hospital Preparedness Program?


This FEMA website that has preparedness information for making a plan, building a kit, and staying informed.

What is


This is a process used by organizations following a disaster response or exercise to capture lessons learned and evaluate their response.

What is an After Action Report (AAR)?


This Section is responsible for developing tactical organization and directs all resources to carry out the Incident Action Plan?

What is the Operations Section?


This type of natural disaster is the name for a hurricane that forms in the Pacific Ocean

What is a typhoon?


This federally-funded initiative supports the ability to distribute and dispense medical countermeasures related to chemical, biological (infectious disease or bioterrorism), radiological, or nuclear events.

What is the Cities Readiness Initiative?


Supply kits (Go Bags) should have food, water, medications, pet supplies, and other supplies for at least this many hours

What is 72 hours?


These activities provide a low-risk environment to familiarize personnel with roles and responsibilities, assess plans, and identify strengths and areas for improvement.

What are exercises or drills?


This Section provides resources and services to support the incident

What is the Logistics Section?


This type of disaster is an increase in water caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time. It often occurs quickly, catching people off-guard.

What is a Flash Flood?


The PHEP team is responsible for preparedness efforts spanning 15 federally mandated capabilities. Name 3 of these capabilities.

1. Community Preparedness

2. Community Recovery

3. Emergency Operation Coordination 

4. Emergency Public Information and Warning 

5. Fatality Managment 

6. Information Sharing 

7. Mass Care

8. Medical Countermeasure Dispensing and Administration 

9. Medical Material Managment and Distribution

10. Medical Surge 

11. Nonpharmaceutical Interventions

12. Public Health Laboratory Testing 

13. Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigations 

14. Responder Safety and Health 

15. Volunteer Management  


A location used during a public health emergency to quickly dispense medical countermeasures such as vaccinations, medications, or other medical supplies to a large group of people.

What is a Medical Point of Dispensing (MPOD) or Point of Dispensing (POD)?


Preparedness is a continuous cycle centered around training and exercising plans. According to NIMS, these 5 components make up the preparedness cycle.

What are Plan, Organize & Equip, Train, Exercise, Evaluate & Improve?


This document, developed within the Planning Section, contains incident priorities, operational period objectives, and the response strategy defined by incident command.

What is the Incident Action Plan?


According to the National Weather Service, this weather event is the #1 weather-related cause of death in the United States

What is Extreme Heat?