
Who Was Germany Allied With?

Austria Hungary


Austria-Hungarian nationalists believed they were better off without which assassinated leader? 

Francis Ferdinand


Serbian Terrorist Group that Killed Arch Duke France Ferdinand

Black Hand


Britain’s original goal in the war was to ____. 

Stay neutral and avoid conflict


Who did Russian initially support in the war?



What is one measure of a country's nationalism?

The speed at which they are able to gain military signups.


What did Austria - Hungarian leaders send to Serbia after Ferdinand was killed that was designed to start a war?

A 12 Hour Impossible Ultimatum 


Name of the Serbian teenager who killed Francis Ferdinand

Gavrilo Princip


What French Symbol of National Pride and Unity Became a Rallying Point During WWI?

The "Tricolor" or "French Flag" and the "La Marseillaise"


How did initial success of the Russian army affect Russian Nationalism?

The war saw a huge boost in Russian nationalism that drove support for the Tsar


What form of media containing exaggerated content was used in WWI, especially by Germany?



Why did A-H Romanticize War?

They Thought War Will Solve All Their Problems


Serbia eventually dedicated what to the murderer of Francis Ferdinand?

A museum

Why were France and Britain Allies in WWI?

They Allied with Each Other Through Shared Unity of Nationalization and Want to Preserve Themselves and Western Europe


Who was Tsar Nicholas II?

He was a king who held all of the power in Russia and had resisted any efforts that would lead toward democracy.


What did Germany's nationalism in WW1 lead to?

Germany's nationalism grew in WW1 leading to antisemitism. After their loss, Germans were very deflated and leaders anxiously looked for a scapegoat to blame for such a defeat--the Jews. This shows how German nationalism caused not only WW1 but the Holocaust and WWII.


Why did Austria-Hungary oppose Russia's involvement in the Balkan States?

Many of Austria-Hungary's citizens were of Balkan origin. If the Balkan states gained independence, it would cause tension in A-H. What the Duke of Austria wanted most was to secure his empire and see it thrive. 


Why did the Serbian Terrorist Group Assassinate Austria-Hungary's Leader?

Serbia wanted to separate themselves from A-H. They believed so strongly in theirs and the Balkans' nationalism that they resulted to murder and (intentionally or unintentionally) started the world war--Radical nationalism.


Why did Britain join the war?

Initially, Britain wanted to stay out of any conflict. But citizens were excited to fight for their country and join the adventure, so Britain ended up fighting.


Which Russian Nationalists group, active during World War 1, aimed to preserve Russian traditions and opposed foreign influence?

The Red Army


What war united German states under the idea of nationalism?

The Franco-Prussian War in 1870. After the German states were united, the Empire was in a very prosperous point and national pride grew significantly. Because of this newfound wealth and power, Germany very easily agreed to defend A-H, which was one of the causes of the war.


Why did Austria-Hungary want War with Serbia?

To avenge the death of Franz Ferdinand. But more so that they wanted to regain their importance in European and assert their dominance over the Balkan states. Their intense national pride and self-importance was why they began the world war.


Why did the Serbian Terrorist Group Assassinate Austria-Hungary's Leader?

Serbia wanted to separate themselves from A-H. They believed so strongly in theirs and the Balkans' nationalism that they resulted to murder and (intentionally or unintentionally) started the world war--Radical nationalism.


What was the primary motivation behind French involvement WWI?

The French used to dominate the entire Europe before the Franco-Prussian war. That defeat hurt the French people's pride in their country, and they were looking for a way back. A world war could provide that. If the French won, they would once again prove their dominance in Europe, and gain territory over their competitors. 


Why did Russia want to ally/defend Serbia?

Russia agreed to support Serbia as a way to get access to the Balkan states. Russia's ancient ambition was always to conquer the Mediterranean. Conquering land, or imperialism, was one of the greatest shows of national strength. Nations back then showed off their power and pride by taking it away from others, and getting the Mediterranean would be Russia's way of growing their nationalism.