Modern nationalism
Nationalism in theory
Nationalism in the Atlantic world
Nationalism in Latin America
Nationalism in Germany & Italy

The primary method by which Prussia in the 1860s evolved into modern nation-state of Germany by 1871?

What is warfare? (Short strategic campaigns lasting weeks or months ending in treaties that benefitted Prussia).


More than six Latin American and Caribbean states emerged in the early 1800s out of empire. This was the biggest of these empires from 1500s to early 1800s. 

What is Spanish Empire?

In 1803, the US doubled its size by this.
What is the Louisiana Purchase?

This country was the first to revolt against European rule in Latin America and became the second republic in the 'New World.'

What is Haiti?


This king of Piedmont planned to unite Italy with himself as king.

Who is King Victor Emmanuel?


Motivated by self-interest or national interests and getting what you want by any means.

What is realpolitick?


Japan seems to have suddenly modernized and adopted new governing institutions in the 1870s-80s. This is called __________________ nationalism in our 3 categories of the origins of modern nationalism.

What is 'state-building'?


This mostly Spanish speaking nation is named after the indigenous peoples who mixed with the Spanish over time (from 1500s to 1800s) to form a proud new nation in 1821 having defeated Spanish authorities after a bitter decade long struggle.

What is Mexico?

The "George Washington of South America."
Who is Simon Bolivar?
This freedom fighter used guerilla warfare to help gain control of the island of Sicily.
Who is Guiseppe Garibaldi?

The architect of modern Germany (the 'Second Reich' of 1871-1919).

Who was Otto von Bismarck?


After Napoleon, in the 1800s France alternated between rulers and governments who were either ______________ or liberal in their thinking about government. Mostly the later.

What is conservative?


Greece gained independence from this slowly decaying empire in the Middle East.

What is the Ottoman Empire?

This Catholic priest urged Mexicans to fight for their freedom from Spain, and was executed in 1811.
Who is Michael Hidalgo?
Germany's first kaiser was this man.
Who is King Wilhelm (William) I?

The region of northwest Germany that was seized from Austria and Danish control.

What is Schleswig-Holstein?


Believing he'd been personally insulted, Napoleon III of France declared war on this country in 1870.

What is Prussia?

The movement to end slavery.
What is abolitionism?

He led revolutions in the southern portion of South America.

Who is Jose de San Martin?

This Prime Minister of Prussia vowed to unite Germany with "blood and iron."
Who is Otto von Bismarck?

"It is not by means of speeches and majority resolutions [in a legislative parliament] that the great issues of the day will be decided---that was the great mistake of 1848-9---but by _______ and _______."

What are blood and iron ?


The term used by the Czarist government for incorporating and assimilating more and more non-Russians into being Russian (by teaching, coercion, evangelism, and other means).

What is Russification?


Although the "united States of America" was declared in 1776, (notice the lower case u !) and won its war from Britain by 1783, it can be said that the USA was not really a single nation-state until this year. The year the Civil War ended with the Union winning.

What is 1865?


The revolutions in Latin America were most often led by men from this ethnic and socio-economic class.

What are wealthy Creoles?

Bismarck was a wealth landowner, or also called this.
What is Junker?