Sacred Songs
Smoke Signals
American Horse
Creation Myths
We read two sacred songs in class: One of them was called "Song of the Sky Loom" and this was the other.
What is "Hunting Song"?
The protagonist of this film has this name.
What is Victor?
This is the name of the protagonist in American Horse.
Who is Buddy?
Why is "Song of the Sky Loom" not an example of a creation myth?
What is it doesn't explain how the world came to be?
This is the definition of the word "origin".
What is "beginning"?
There are three levels of diction: These songs used the most formal type of language, "sacred". What are the other two levels of diction?
What are "informal" and "formal"?
Who starts the house fire and why?
What is Victor's father (Arnold); because he was drunk
Buddy's mother is struggling through poverty and this.
What is alcoholism?
The Iroquois tribe uses the twins (left-handed and right-handed) to represent what idea?
What is balance?
This is the name of the publication being released by MHS' English Department that will feature student work.
What is the Creative Arts Journal?
Name one reason an elder tribes member might want to pass these sacred songs down to a younger generation.
What is: 1. Believe it will help them survive 2. Celebrate old parts of their culture 3. Honor their religion
This person is the primary story-teller in Smoke Signals.
Who is Thomas?
Albertine is hit by this man in the story.
Who is Harmony?
Name one creation myth were learned about other than "The World on the Turtles Back"? (Naming the culture it came from is acceptable)
What is: Chippewa Ojibway Inca Egypt Nordic (Frost Giant) etc.
This is the word to describe the "bad guy" or opposing force in a piece of writing.
What is a "protagonist"?
In "Song of the Sky Loom", the Tewa describe the sky by comparing it to __________, making it a metaphor.
What is a woven piece of fabric?
This celebrated author wrote the screenplay for Smoke Signals.
Who is Sherman Alexie?
Buddy gets to eat this in the car after being taken away from his mother.
What is a chocolate bar?
Which animal first brings dirt up from the bottom of the ocean to create the world in "The World on the Turtle's Back"?
What is the muskrat?
Ms. Smith is a co-sponsor for two student groups this year. Name one of them.
What are Multicultural Club and SAGA
If I were to describe my experience hunting as being "like being a lion stalking his prey", what rhetorical device would I be employing?
What is simile?
In the end of the film, Thomas asks Victor why his father left the reservation. Victor replies that his father "never meant" to leave. Provide one possible meaning of this response.
His father thought he'd be coming back. His father may have left the physical Reservation, but he'll never leave his beliefs and values behind.
List at least 4 major events that take place in American Horse.
What is...
In "The World on the Turtle's Back", how does the first person come to exist in the world?
What is she falls through a hole in the sky world into the sea
This is the definition used in class for the word "endeavor".
What is "to try hard to do something"?