Eastern Woodlands
Interior Plains
Pacific Northwest
Southwest + West
Arctic + Sub-arctic
What are the three sisters? 

This Native American crop trio, corn, beans, and squash was the cornerstone of the Eastern Woodlands tribes' agriculture.


What is the bison?

This animal was central to the livelihood of many Great Plains tribes, providing food, clothing, and materials for shelter.


What is a potlatch? 

In Pacific Northwest cultures, this ceremonial feast, featuring the giving of gifts and sharing of food, served to strengthen social ties and display wealth.


What are the names of the two tribes we spoke about in class in the Southwest?

Peublo and Navajo


What is an igloo?

a type of shelter traditionally built from snow blocks, primarily associated with the Inuit and other Arctic people


What is a wigwam?

This dome-shaped house, made from a wooden frame and covered in bark or woven mats, was typical of the Eastern Woodlands tribes.


What is a teepee? 

This type of dwelling, traditionally made from buffalo hides and wooden poles, was used by nomadic tribes of the Great Plains.


What is salmon?

This staple food, harvested from rivers and streams, was central to the diets of many Pacific Northwest tribes and was often dried for preservation.


What is a peublo?

This traditional dwelling, made from adobe or wood, is commonly associated with the Pueblo tribes of the Southwest and is designed to withstand the region's arid climate


Which tribes lived in the Arctic?

Aleuts and Inuits

While almost all inland tribes in the East had fields for corn, beans, and squash, many groups near the coast put far less effort into farming. Which of the following best explains this difference?

 Tribes who lived near the coast were able to catch fish regularly as their main food source.


Name 6 things that can be made from a bison. 

Rope, water bag, clothing, pemmican, arrowheads, and knives


What is a totem pole?

This artistic medium, known for its intricate designs and vibrant colors, is a hallmark of Pacific Northwest Coast tribes and often depicts animals and ancestral figures.


Share one characteristic about the three tribes we spoke in class in the West.

Answers may vary.


What is a kayak?

a light-framed canoe made for one person, often with a watertight covering


Who is the clan mother?

This role involved the authority to appoint or remove chiefs, ensuring they acted in the best interest of the clan.


Name two tribes we talked about from the Plains.

Cheyenne and Comanche


How did Chinook tribe as well as other tribes communicate with each other? What is bartering?

Answers may vary. 


What best explains why there was so much diversity in the West?

The West had a great variety of environments, and the people adapted to the environment they lived in.


 What is a harpoon?

This essential hunting tool, traditionally used by the Inuit, features a barbed point and was designed for catching fish and marine mammals.


What is the Iroquois Confederacy (or Haudenosaunee)?

This powerful confederation of five nations, later six, was based in what is now New York State and played a significant role in the region’s politics.


What is a powwow?

This annual gathering, often featuring games, dances, and contests, served as both a celebration and a way to strengthen community ties among the Plains tribes.


What is the difference between Iroquois and Pacific Northwest longhouses?

While both serve as communal living spaces, this type of longhouse used by the Iroquois is typically constructed from a frame of wood and bark and is designed for extended families, while this type of longhouse in the Pacific Northwest is larger, often built with cedar planks, and may serve as a gathering place for the entire community.


How did the people in the Southwest water their crops?

By saving rainwater in their crafted pots. 


What types of food did they eat? Which animal did they hunt for fur? 

walruses, seals, and whales

polar bears, caribou, and fox