Indian Removal Act
Five Civilized Tribes
Trail Of Tears
Court Cases

What was the Indian Removal Act?

A law made by Andrew Jackson that forced Indians west of the Mississippi.


Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole are apart of what group?

The Five Civilized Tribes.


The journey took place in what year?



What did Johnson V M'intosh establish?

protected natives from individual and state efforts to buy land from them.


Before 1829, the U.S. government had acknowledged what?

Cherokee land rights in treaties.


What did the tribes try to do?

adopt U.S. customs.


How many Native Americans were Captured and put in camp?

16,000 Native Americans.


What did Cherokee Nation V Georgia?

Court case against a Georgia law that dissolved their tribal government.


What did the Law state?

the law stated that the natives would be paid for the land, but the natives had no choice in the matter.


What did the Five Civilized Tribes create?

A constitutional government.


How many troops were sent to enforce the treaty?

7,000 troops were sent.


When was Cherokee V Georgia?

It was in 1831.


What did the treaties do?

They would be used to buy or exchange land.


What did the Five Civilized Tribes want?

to live peaceful among white settlers.


What did the Native Americans call the trail of tears?

"The Place Where They Cried"


When was Worcester V Georgia?

It was in 1832.


The Indian Removal Act effected what tribes

Cherokee, Creeks, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole


Define Assimilation?

the process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas.

"the assimilation of the knowledge of the Greeks"

(Oxford Languages)


How Many Native Americans died on the journey?

Altogether around 15,000


What did Worcester V. Georgia Establish?

Johnson v. M’Intosh (1823)    

-protected natives from individual and state efforts to buy land from them, also established the policy that the native nations were sovereign but did not own the land. The U.S. gov owned the land  

-this case dealt with land ownership

Cherokee Nation V. Georgia (1831)

-Court case against a Georgia law that dissolved their tribal government

-Supreme court would not review the case based on the idea that the Cherokee wasn’t technically a foreign nation, but they weren’t part of the U.S. either

-Doing this makes it seem like that natives do not have any rights like U.S. citizens would have

-this case dealt with sovereignty (self-rule) 

Worcester V. Georgia(1832)

-case on free speech. Samuel Worcester was a missionary living amongst the Cherokee people. Georgia wanted to keep him from living with the Cherokee so they made a law to do that

-declared that the states did not have any legal authority over native territory, and couldn’t make laws over them

gave the Supreme Court opportunity to rule on issues and laws impacting the Cherokee and other indigenous tribes this case dealt with sovereignty.