Ancient Native Americans 1
Ancient Native Americans 2
Ancient & Modern Americans
Modern Native Americans
Native Americans

The Olmec were famous for making these.

What were Giant Stone Heads or Colossal Stone Heads?


This is another name for the Anasazi/Ancient Pueblo people.

What are the Cliff Dwellers?


This is the definition of Polytheistic religion.

What means a belief in many gods and goddesses?


This group had the most difficult life due to the challenge of finding water and food sources.

Who are the Great Basin?


All Native Americans believe everything on or a part of Earth has this.

What is a spirit or a soul?


The Olmec were the first to establish culture in this place.

Where is Mexico?


The Incas made these to connect their cities together.  People that now live in the region the Incas did still use them.

What are roads?


These are the names given to the capital of the Mississippians and the largest mound ever built by humans.

What are Cahokia and Monks Mound?


This Native American group allowed women to own homes, fight in wars, and participate in the government.  (Hooray for equality!)

Who are the Southeast?


This is the definition of nomadic.

What means migrating people?


Tenochtitlan was the famous Aztec capital city.  This city was built in the middle of this.

What is a lake?


This was the reason Machu Picchu was built way up in the mountains by the Inca people.

What was it gave the Incas an advantage of being prepared for attacks and the clouds would often hide the city from outsiders?


Compare and contrast the sport of Pok-A-Tok to the sport of basketball. 

(You need one similarity, one difference for Pok-A-Tok, and one difference for basketball.)

What are both sports are played on a court, use a rubber ball, have two teams, and use feet to move around on the court, but the ball cannot touch the feet?

What is in the sport of Pok-A-Tok the ball is solid rubber; the stone hoop is sideways; use hips, elbows, & knees to move the ball; pads are worn on the areas used to hit the ball, and the captain of the losing team was usually decapitated with the head displayed in the arena?

What is in the sport of basketball the ball is full of air; hands are used to dribble the ball, and the hoop is metal with a net and a backboard?


This is the name of the dolls the Southwest/Pueblo Native Americans use to teach their children about their religion.


This is the name of a Southwest tribe who's language was used as a secret code during WWII by the U.S. military.

What are Kachina Dolls?


Who are the Navajo?


This crop was the most important crop to the Ancient Native American cultures and many of the Modern Native American cultures. (Give both names.)

What is corn or maize?


Name at least two accomplishments of the Maya.

Who were excellent astronomers?

Who made accurate calendars?

Who used a dot and a line number system?

Who used glyphic writing?


Name all three Mound Builder cultures from the first group to the last group.

Who are the Adena, the Hopewell, and the Mississippian?


Name two types of Mound Builder Mounds, and explain how each type was used.

What are ceremonial mounds, cone-shaped mounds, circular mounds, effigy mounds, rectangular platform mounds, step-pyramid mounds, and geometric shaped mounds?

What are circular, geometric, and cone-shaped mounds were used for burial; rectangular platform mounds were used to build homes on top of for the elite and ruling class people, and the effigy mounds (shapes of animals and people) are sacred to Native Americans?


These are the reasons Native Americans do not take as many natural resources as they want to eat or have.

What are they believe in respecting all that is a part of Earth because everything has a spirit, and they only take what they need to survive due to their respect for nature?


List the four different ways Modern Native Americans got food.

Explain a similarity you have with getting food, and a difference for both you and the Native Americans.

What were they farmed, hunted, gathered, and fished?

(The answers below will vary.)

What is we both get food from farming and fishing?  I do not farm, but I eat food that comes from farms. I fish for fish to eat like the Native Americans.  What is the Native Americans hunt for food, and I can't do that for food?


List the six Ancient Native American groups we studied.

Who are the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Inca, Mound Builders, and Anasazi?


This was the reason the Aztec, the Maya, and the Inca civilizations used human sacrifice.

What was to please their gods and goddesses by offering human lives to them?


List the seven different Modern Native American groups we studied.

Who are the Southwest/Pueblo, Great Basin, Pacific Northwest Coast, Arctic, Great Plains, Southeast, and Eastern Woodlands?


The Great Plains Native Americans lived in these because they were movable so they could hunt the buffalo.


This animal changed hunting buffalo for the Great Plains people.  Explain the change.

What are teepees/tipis/tepees?


What is the horse?  What was the horse made hunting buffalo easier, safer, and the animal helped with transportation?


Explain how a Polytheistic religion follower compare and contrast to your own personal beliefs.

What is a Polytheistic religion follower believes in a bunch of gods where I believe...?

What is we both...?

(Answers will vary.)