Cultural Region
First Thanksgiving

What were duck decoys used for.  Hints:ducks were a common food source for animals.

The correct answer is to lure animals to hunt them. This is unique to the Great Basin because none of the other regions have small ponds, lakes or streams. 

From Great Basin Artifact Reveal


Who gave the southeast Native Americans fire?   Grandmother spider or Grandpa spider.

The correct answer is Grandmother spider. This is unique to the southeast because this is how they think they got fire. 


In the past, what was the most common food for Southeast Native Americans? Plants or animals ?

The correct answer is Animals. It was unique to the southeast because they had more animals and prairies that grassland and plants.

From Southeast Indians article by Brittanica Encyclopedia 


Did the Natives and Pilgrims even have a feast together?

The correct answer is yes. According to Mayflower 400 before the feast the Europeans that came over needed help from the natives and the natives needed help from the Europeans to fight off over tribes. The feast was considered a successful harvest.

From The thanksgiving article


Are Native Americans extinct?

The correct answer is no. Most people think that Natives are extinct but they really just blended in with us and now wear what we wear now.

For Example the cherokee tribe


What was a vessel used for? Hint southeast people had a lot of bodies of water.

The correct answer is to carry water. This is unique to the southeast region because they have a lot of large bodies of water. 

From Southeast Artifact Reveal


What happened after the corn lady burned herself and scattered the ashes? Hint they got better food.

The correct answer is is that she planted seeds all over the field. This is unique to the southeast because this is how they got their seeds and harvested.


In the past, what region experienced the trail of tears? Hint it was near Florida.

The correct answer is the Southeast Native Americans. the trail of tears was unique to the southeast because there has been no other trail of tears. 

From Southeast Indian article from Brittanica Encylopedia


Who were the people who came over?

The correct answer is the Europeans or Pilgrims. According to Khan Academy this is because the Europeans or Pilgrims did not have much wealth, freedom and they came over to practice their own culture and region.

From the thanksgiving interactive website


Do All Native Americans live in the wild?

The correct answer is no. Although they have lived in the wild in the past most of them live in houses like us. One of my friends is Native American and he lives in a normal house. 

Example Ethan Ignace (a kid in our grade)


What was the ceremonial robe for? Hint it's in the name

The correct answer is it was used for ceremonies for the dead. This is unique to the southwest region because not all of the tribes us robes to celebrate their lost.

From Southwest Artifact Reveal


Who defeated the giant/the swallower Hint:They were brothers born near the same time and considered legends.

The correct answer is the Hero Twins. This is unique to the southwest Native Americans because it was their folktale and nobody else believed in it. 


In the past, what did most Native Americans sleep in?

The correct answer is Te-pees or huts. This was unique to the Natives because one doesn't normally see people just sleeping in Te-pees or huts unless one is like camping.

From All the cultural region articles from Brittanica Encyclopedia


Did the Natives or Pilgrims eat seafood at their feast?

The correct answer is yes. According to History Channel they ate seafood since they were near the shoreline. Sea food such as fish was also one of the main food sources back then. 

From the thanksgiving interactive website.


Do Native Americans dress like us and eat similar foods?

The correct answer is yes. Although the  Native Americans did dress like how they dress in past years. Now they are adapting to are culture and are eat more of what we eat like pizza, mac and cheese and many more.

For example another kid in our grade Jenelle  


What was the bear claws necklace used for? Hint it had to do with respect.

The correct answer is more claws you have the more respect you get in your tribe. This is unique to the Plateau region becasue the way we gain respect is by doing something good.

From Plateau Artifact Reveal


Who tricked possum into shaving his tail? Hint it was a furry small animal.

The correct answer is rabbit. It is unique to the southeast region because this why they think possums have bare tails.


In the past, what was a common food source for all Native people

 The correct answer is bison and buffalo. Bison and Buffalo are unique to the Natives because not all people hunt and eat buffalo and bison. 

From all the cultural region articles by Brittanica Encyclopedia


What year did the first thanksgiving happen Hint: 16 hundreds.

The correct answer is 1621 to be more precise it happened in November of 1621. This is unique to the natives because they had the first thanksgiving. According to National Archives Museum at least 90 Wampanoag people joined the 52 English for the feast.

From the thanksgiving article


Are Native Americans living everywhere not just reservations?

The correct answer is yes. In past years the Natives have lived in the reservations that the Pilgrims gave them. Now most of them are living in are neighborhoods and not just living in the reservation.  

For Example Jenelle and Ethan live here in Wisconsin in normal neighborhoods


What was a powder horn used for?

The correct answer is to carry gunpowder. This is unique to the Native Americans because this is how they carried gun powder. 

From Southeast Artifact Reveal


What did the coyote do with the monsters body? Hint They created groups of things. 

The correct answer is that they created tribes. This  folktale is unique to the Great Basin because this is how they think they came to be. 


In the past, what did most tribes believe in? Hint it has something to do with every thing having a soul.

The correct answer is animism. Animism is unique to the Natives because not all people believe that all things have a soul. 

From all the cultural region articles from Brittanica Encyclopedia


True or False 

Thanksgiving is a day of celebration for the Native Americans 

The correct answer is false. Thanksgiving is actually a day of sadness/mourning, because the Pilgrims/Europeans stole most of the Native/Native Americans land and since they also stole the food.

According to "Here's why Thanksgiving is a day of mourning for indigenous people of Massachusetts." By: WCVB Channel 5 Boston


Is the true history of Native people being told correctly?

The correct answer is no. Most of the Natives history is being told wrong like how Europeans think Thanksgiving is a day of happiness not mourning/sadness.

For example the video titled: "Here's why Thanksgiving is a day of mourning for indigenous people of Massachusetts." By: WCVB Channel 5 Boston