Native Americans
Geo and Misc.
Some Native-Americans hunted while others made clay pots. These are examples of the use of:
What are Human Resources?
People who move from place to place following their food supply are called:
What are nomads?
People are the source of any and all governmental power. The people decide how they will be governed.
What is Consent of the Governed?
Large, flat areas on the East Coast of the U.S. beside both the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Forests and marshy areas with many water tributaries and rivers emptying into these larger bodies of water. Many turtles live here (I think).
What is the Atlantic Coastal Plain?
"Rocky Mountain, Rocky Mountain, Rocky Mountain Hiiigh When you're on those Rocky Mountains Hang your head and cry!"
What are the Rocky Mountains?
One Native-American makes an axe to use for chopping (hopefully not heads). Another fashions a travois for carrying supplies while following a herd. The axe and the travois are examples of:
What are Capital Resources?
Five tribes (later joined by a sixth) joined together to follow mutual laws and for mutual trade and protection. They used wampum as money in trade.They live in New York State and southern Canada. Name the organization they developed.
What is The Iroquois Confederacy?
Government is not all powerful and may only do the things people have given it the power to do.
What is Limited Government?
This region includes the Appalachian Mountains, the oldest mountains in North America, and the Piedmont. Along the eastern edge is the fall line with areas such as Great Falls.
What are the Appalachian Highlands?
This region contains mountain ridges and low valleys, including Death Valley. Death Valley is the lowest spot (geography wise; I'm sure there are nice people there), in North America
What is the Basin and Range region?
The use wood to make a longhouse and baking fish for a meal are examples of using:
What are Natural Resources?
These tribes lived in apartment-like buildings made of adobe in the American Southwest. They were named by Spanish explorers for their buildings. They ate corn, beans and squash and hunted for additional food.
Who are The Pueblo?
The government and those who govern are bound by the law.
What is Rule of Law?
Spread out in a horseshoe shape around Hudson Bay in Canada, this area is full of glacier-carved lakes. Its ancient soil contains many minerals. It is NOT a person holding a big piece of metal for protection!
What is the Canadian Shield?
These mountains skirt the West Coast of the U.S. and Canada. They plunge onto narrow plains or simply into the Pacific Ocean. They include the Cascades.
What is the Coastal Range?
These people live in the Arctic areas of Alaska, Canada and Russia. They hunt seal and other animals and throat sing. They lived in skin houses and igloos while on hunts.
What are Inuits?
This tribe lived near what is now Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada. The lived in wooden plank houses, often adorned with totem poles. They practiced the custom of potlatch (giving possessions). They ate sea animas, hunted and gathered berries.
Who are the Kwakiutl?
A system where the people rule directly.
What is a Democracy?
West of the Appalachians, this is a land of rolling hills and farmland with many forests. Settlers crossed the mountains against British law to settle here in the 1760s.
What are the Interior Lowlands?
They banded together into a confederacy with a common law. They lived in longhouses with several families in each house. They ate the Three Sisters (corns, beans and spam... oops... squash, hunted and fished.
Who are the Iroquois?
They used every part of the bison, lived on the Great Plains and built tipis so they could easily pack up and follow the herds.
What are the Lakota?
One person decided the only way the Iroquois tribes would flourish is to start a confederacy of tribes. The other founded that confederacy of similar laws and trade.
Who were Dekanawidah and Hiawatha?
People elect public officeholders to make laws and conduct government on their behalf.
What is Representative Government?
Large flatlands rising slightly to the west where grows long grasses and is home to the Bison. Later this region was discovered to have some of the richest growing soil in the world.
What are the Great Plains?
The science of figuring out human history through the recovery and examination of artifacts (material culture) is called:
What is archaeology?