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Plateau area climate
hot summers, cold winters, water, and abundance of plants
wet and moist, full of plants and animals
Trail of Tears
Cherokees were forced west on an 800 mile journey, killing 4,000 Indians
Senator Wade did what?
investigated Chivington's lie
Great Basin got its name ( names)
surrounded by mountains
Nez Perce. What they did at different times in the year ?
Spring: hunted salmon Summer: moved to the mountains Autumn/Winter: lived in pit houses
Totem Poles
the way the Pacific NW Indians passed on their legends
began in the 1800's as a plan to move Indians off their land to isolated areas.
Why did native conflicts happen?
What did Geronimo do?
due to more Europeans, less Indians, taking land, and Indians refusing to assimilate, Americans killing bison
led a band of Indians on raids against the Mexicans
The Paiutes believed in ? What did they use to kill large animals?
powers, shaman, and depended on corrals to kill large animals
what did Chief Joseph state, why, and what tribe was he a part of?
He stated " I will fight no more forever because he was tired of fighting after losing his friends and family and wanted to save the remainder of the people. He was a part of the Nez Perce tribe.
large ceremonies to strengthen bonds between Indian societies
Americans thought they could get along with the Indians if they would adopt American ways
Ghost Dance:
Battle of Wounded Knee:
Inspired Indians to have hope of returning their land, and seen as a threat by the US
300 Sioux Indians were killed stopping the Ghost Dance and ending the Indian Wars
Great Basin climate
extreme heat and cold, not much plant growth, salt flats
The Plains region extended from
Grasslands extending from central Canada south to Mexico.
Pacific NW Indians were one of the only native tribes to have
a class system. They were divided into chiefs, nobles, ordinary people, and slaves
Broken Treaties
happened when the US wanted Indian land, Indians did not have a central government
Sand Creek Massacre:
Modoc War:
American soldiers under Chivington tricked the Cherokee and the Arapahoe Indians into attacking and killing them
Modoc tribe refused the bad land on the reservation, fought American soldiers and eventually had to surrender
Great Basin Native Americans ate?
jackrabbits, insects, small rodents, and mostly pine
Plains Indians use buffalo ___ ___ and ____. Then they hunted using ____.
They used buffalo hide, bones, and hair. They hunted using horses which later made hunting and their lives so much easier.
Pacific NW Region extends from
southern Alaska and along Canada's coastline to Washington, Oregon, and northern California
promises made between the Native Americans and the US government
Battle of Rosebud:
Battle of the Little Bighorn:
Under Chief Sitting Bull, the Sioux defeated Cook's troops after the US broke the treaty and took them of the land
Custer and his soldiers tried to avenge Cook and were defeated and killed by the Sioux and Cheyenne tribes.