Define It!
Go West!
Sunny Southwest
Roaming the Plains
Eastern Woodlands
Tall logs carved with many designs. Many were built to honor family members or new chiefs, or to mark special events.
What are totem poles?
The place where the native people of the Northwest Coast obtained most of the things that they needed.
What is the sea?
This type of clay was traditionally used as a building material by Native Americans and later Spanish colonists in the southwest.
What is adobe?
When living in their villages, the Plains people built these types of homes using logs, grasses, sticks, and soil.
What are lodges?
These unique woven belts made of polished shells were created by the Iroquois to remember an important event or pass down a story.
What are wampum belts?
A busy Alaskan city that stands in the heart of the Tlingit homeland of long ago.
What is Sitka?
A special ceremony marking an important event that could last for days, at which guests would receive gifts and dress in their finest clothing, the host would wear a special woven blanket, and everyone would enjoy a feast with lots of music and dancing.
What is a potlatch?
The Hopi used this method, which allowed them to successfully grow crops. It involved the building of dams and irrigation canals.
What is dry farming?
By bringing these with them, the Spanish explorers changed the lives of the Lakota Sioux by allowing them to hunt and follow buffalo across the Plains.
What were horses?
The leader of an Iroquois village was chosen by this person, who could also replace him if he failed in his duties.
Who was a clan mother?
A Spanish word meaning "village" used to refer to the apartment-style homes of the Native Americans of the Southwest.
What is pueblo?
Because food was plentiful, the Tlingit were able to develop this, which included the design and use of tools, ideas, and methods to solve problems.
What is technology?
These important religious ceremonies are held for half the year in Hopi villages. During them, the Hopi believe they are visited by spirits that bring rains, help crops grow, show people how to live and behave, and bring peace and prosperity.
What are Kachina ceremonies?
In order to become a good leader, a young Lakota boy like Standing Bear would have had to prove his bravery in battle by touching, but not killing, his enemy with this special weapon.
What is a coup stick? (KOO)
The main cause of the conflict and fighting that broke out among the Iroquois people as their numbers began to grow.
What was hunting grounds?
A sled-like device used by the Plains people for carrying people and belongings.
What is a travois (truh VOY)?
A yearly event at which a Native American family could catch over 1,000 lbs. of fish, most of which was dried or smoked then stored for meals throughout the year.
What is the salmon run?
This Hopi woman was struck by the beauty of the pottery that was found at the ruins of an ancient Hopi pueblo. She dedicated her life to spreading interest in the traditional Hopi pottery designs. Her work is still carried on by present day Hopi potters.
Who was Nampeyo?
The animal on which the Lakota depended for food, clothing, and coverings for their teepees.
What is the buffalo?
The two Iroquois leaders who developed The Great Laws - guidelines for living in peace.
Who were Deganawida and Hiawatha?
A home shared by several related Iroquois families.
What is a longhouse?
When the Russians handed over control of Alaska to the United States, the U.S. government forced the Tlingit to do this, which made it very difficult for the Native Americans to preserve their culture.
What is force them to move far from the ocean?
The four groups of Native Americans from the Southwest.
Who were the Navajo, Apache, Hopi, and Zuni?
The Lakota kept track of time with this "calendar". An artist would record an important event by drawing a symbol, or picture of it, on the hide of an animal.
What is a winter count?
The union of the 5 major Iroquois peoples that historians believe to be one of the earliest democracies in the world.
What is the Iroquois Confederacy?