Native Americans
French and Indian War
Causes of the Revolution
Causes of the Revolution pt 2
Dang, even more things that peeved the colonists and misc

Northwest Native American groups relying on fishing and Northeastern Native American groups relying on hunting and farming is an example of this.

How does geography affect Native American groups?


Access to and the ability to do THIS led to the French and Indian War between France and Britain.

What is trade/ get natural resources to sell?


Virtual Representation.

What was the policy that the colonists were represented in Parliament by people living in England?


The natural rights found in the Declaration of Independence.

What are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?


Quartering Act.

What is the law making colonists provide housing and food for British soldiers?

At least two ways Native Americans were negatively affected by European settlers in the Americas.

What are disease and violent conflict?


The end of the French and Indian War made France lose this to the British (be kinda specific).

What is Canada and all French territories on the North American continent?


Salutary neglect.

What was the idea that the colonies could govern themselves as long as they generated wealth for Britain?


Consent of the governed.

What is the idea that the people in general need to be a part of the government that works for them? (might be said in a different way)


H-historical context

I- intended audience

P- purpose

P- Point of view/bias


Generally, the relationship between Native Americans and French, English and Spanish settlers.

French- cooperative (trade), less violent, less forceful conversion to Christianity

English- sometimes cooperative (trade), often violent, few attempts at conversion

Spanish- often violent, Natives forced into slavery, forced to convert to Christianity


The first attempt, led by Ben Franklin, to get the colonies to work together against the French.

What was the Albany Plan of Union?



What is the idea that colonies only exist to generate wealth for the mother country (in this case, Great Britain)?


At least 3 examples of how the colonies protested the British government.

What is tarring and feathering, boycotts, protests/petitions, knitting bees, etc?


The three big ideas the Declaration of Independence promotes (other than, you know, independence).

What are Consent of the Governed, Republicanism, Unalienable Rights?


In general terms, how Native American groups decided which Europeans to side with in the French and Indian War and later the American Revolution.

What is whichever side was more favorable to the specific Native American group?


The Proclamation of 1763.

What British law made it illegal for colonists to settle beyond the Appalachian Mountains?


The colonists' real issue with the new taxes.

What is "No taxation without representation"?



What is the idea that the people are sovereigns and that the government needs to represent the people?


At least two of the four Intolerable Acts.

What are:

-closing Boston harbor

-Quebec Act

-Closing MA's colonial government

-Another Quartering Act


Encomienda system did this to South American native groups.

What is slavery and forced conversion?

What led the colonists to be directly taxed by Britain.

What was British war debt?


The Boston Massacre and its effects on the colonists.

What was the event where British troops fired on a mob of protesters, representing to the colonists the tyranny of the British government?


The names of at least 3 British taxes on American colonists.

What are the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Townshend Act, Tea Act?


Non-importation agreements and their purpose.

What is it when the colonists refuse to trade/buy from England to hurt British economy as a form of protest to get England to listen?