What three regions did the Cherokee tribe live in?
Appalachian Plateau, Ridge and valley, and Blue Ridge
What is the another name for the Creek Tribe?
Muscogee Tribe
Which Tribe was Sequoyah a member from?
Cherokee Tribe
Who were the hunters, fished, became warriors.
The men
Do the Cherokee and Creek still live in Georgia today?
Did the Cherokee tribe live in hotels, villages, or brick houses.
What two Georgia regions did the Creek Tribe live in?
Piedmont and Costal Plains
What does each symbol in his written language represent?
A sound.
Who were the planters, farmers, head of homes, cooked, and took care of the children?
The women
What is a tribe?
a group of people that share the same language, customs, beliefs, and government
What are the 3 sisters that the Cherokee Tribe grew?
Beans, Squash, and Corn.
What did the Creek men use to hunt animals?
bow & arrows, and spears.
Who helped Sequoyah change and improve his written language?
His own daughter.
What 2 ways were tribes long ago able to get their food?
By hunting and fishing.
What did people think of Sequoyah at first when he started to create the new written language?
People thought he was foolish.
Who was known as the "leader" or the "head of household" in the Cherokee Tribe?
The women.
What was involved in each town for the Creek tribe?
Public Square.
Why did Sequoyah create a written language?
So they could learn to read and write. He wanted to improve communication.
Where did the Creek and Cherokee receive their drinking water long ago?
Who were the first people to live in North America known as?
American Indians
True or False:
The Cherokee were the first American Indians to have a written language.
In the Creek tribe who most likely would of been a chief or warrior?
the men in the Creek tribe.
After Sequoyah created the written language, what were the Cherokee people were able to do?
They were able to write down laws, create a newspaper, translate books, etc.
What did they use to build houses long ago?
Clay walls and grass roofs.
What was the house called that the Cherokee lived in years ago?
Wattle and Daub.