Stages of Contact
Legal Definitions
Court Cases
a Latin term that refers to empty, essential barren and uninhabited land
What is Terra Nullius
the state or quality of being equal; all members of a group have the same privileges, status, or rights
What is Equality
A historical mistake made by Christopher Columbus; the Canadian Federal Government still uses this label in its documents
What is Indian
God, Glory, and Gold
What is the motive for exploration by Europeans
British Columbia case that lands in the province had never been lawfully extinguished; led to the overhauling of land claim negotiation process
What is Calder Case of 1973
Publication in 1969 that recommended the end of Aboriginal Rights
What is White Paper
the tendency to judge other cultures based on the standards of your own
What is Ethnocentrism
Refers to those who are a mixture of Aboriginal and other ancestry
What is Metis
also called the "Indian Magna Carta" which was passed in 1763 and established a basis of government administration in North America
What is Royal Proclamation Act
Musqueam Band member was caught fishing with a drift net longer than permitted by the Fisheries Act. Argued that he was exercising hsi Aboriginal Rights under Section 35.1 of the Constitution Act
What is Sparrow Case of 1988
Laws passed in the 1880s which sough to define who was an Indian and what their rights were
What is Indian Act
unfavourable treatment based on prejudcies or stereotypes
What is Discrimination
An Indian person who is registered under the Indian Act
What is Status Indian
Irish American troops that invaded parts of British North America in order to gain freedom for Ireland
What is Fenians
Claimed aboriginal rights had not been extinguished in north-western BC; ruling stated the legitimacy of Indigenous oral history was as important as written testimony
What is The Delgamuukw Case of 1997
A reaction to the White Paper in 1969 by the First Nations
What is Red Paper
A group of people with a common history, language, and culture that occupy a particular territory. "Birth".
What is Nation
A status Indian who belongs to a Band that signed a treaty with the Crown
What is Treaty Indian
Built on the 72 Resolutions set down at the Quebec Conference and was signed by Queen Victoria in 1867
What is The British North American Act
The Mikmaq was fined for catching eels with prohibited nets during closed period and selling without license; a treaty signed in 1760 between Britain and Mikmaq allowed the right to hunt and fish
What is Marshall Case of 1999
George Manuel secured status for this non-governmental organization in 1974
What is National Indian Brotherhood
the process whereby traditional identity was absorbed into mainstream culture
What is Assimilation
A term used to collectively refer to First Nations people in the United States
What is Native American
Defines Aboriginal peoples of Canada as Indian, Inuit, or Metis peoples
What is Section 35 of the Constitution
Huron men charged with cutting trees, camping and setting fires in a provincial park argued that a 1760 treaty signed by General Murray guaranteed the right to free exercise of their customs and religion
What is Sioui Case of 1990