What gifts did the Wise Men bring to baby Jesus?
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
What event, often considered a miracle, is recorded in the Gospel of John as Jesus’ first public sign?
Turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana.
According to the Gospel of Luke, what is the angel Gabriel’s message to Mary when announcing the birth of Jesus?
“Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.”
Why did Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem?
Because of a census
Who was Mary's cousin and mother of John the Baptist?
In which town was Jesus born, according to the Bible?
According to Christian tradition, what is the name of the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to be crucified?
A: Pontius Pilate.
In the Gospel of Luke, what response did Mary give to the angel Gabriel when she was told she would conceive the Son of God?
“Let it be to me according to your word.”
On what day and which coptic month do we celebrate Christmas?
29th of Kiahk
What does the name Jesus mean?
the name means "savior"
What is the name of the angel who appeared to Mary in the Bible?
The Feast of the Annunciation celebrates ___________ .
the angel’s announcement to Mary that she would be Jesus’ mother
What is the name of St. Mary's parents?
St. Ann and Joachim
Whilst Joseph was still in shock and pondering his next move, someone appeared to him in a dream with an explanation and instructions. Who was it that visited Joseph in a dream?
an angel of the Lord
Which Gospel contains the story of the birth of Jesus?
Gospel of Luke and Matthew
What is the age difference between John the Baptist and Jesus Christ ?
Six months
What does the name “Emmanuel,” mean?
It means “God with us”
Of the four gospels, only one does not say anything about Christ's birth or beginning. Which gospel is that?
Jesus spent some of His early childhood years in a foreign country. Which country did His parents escape to because of persecution from King Herod, according to the Gospel of Matthew?
What does the shepherds’ immediate journey to see Jesus after the angels’ message teach us about how we should respond to God’s call?
to prioritize worship and obedience to God above all else, responding with faith and urgency
From what tribe does Jesus descend from ?
The tribe of Judah
In the Gospel of Matthew, what event prompted Joseph and Mary to flee to Egypt with the infant Jesus?
King Herod’s order to kill all male infants.
What was the name of the prophet who prophesized the birth of Mary's boy child?
How does Saint Joseph’s trust in God despite doubts serve as a model for dealing with uncertainty in our own lives?
Joseph obeyed God’s commands even when he didn’t fully understand them, teaching us to trust in God’s plan and act with faith despite uncertainty
According to the Gospel of Matthew - the Wise Men saw the Star in the